Chapter 2 - reunited

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Octavia POV
I didn't know what to do Jughead wasn't supposed to be back for another 40 minutes. "Jones, I need to talk to you." A girl yells as she walks in she has a serpent jacket and cotton candy colored haired. She kinda stared at me for a few seconds. Which I don't blame her for she walk into her friends house just to find a girl sitting on his couch with a baby attached to her boob. "You're not Jones" she finally said. "No I'm not" I laugh nervously. "Well I'm Toni Topaz" she says offering me her hand. "Octavia" I say while shaking her hand. Oliver decides he's done eating so I lay him on my lap and button the flannel back up. "Who's this cutie?" Toni asks looking at Oliver. "His names Ollie" she smiles at him and he smiles back. " please tell me jughead didn't have a kid and not tell me." She says looking back at me. I laugh " oh no he's definitely not Jughead's before last night I hadn't seen Jug in almost 6 years." Toni laughs. "Speaking of Jones duo you know how when he's going to be back here I need to talk to him about something important?" She asks. I look at the time " he should be back here in about half an hour." I answer. " do you mind if I stay here until then" " no it's not my house so I don't really care" I laugh. " so how old are you" Toni asks me. "14" I answer expecting her to look at me weirdly for having a kid so young. "Cool I just turned 16" she says. I'm surprised usually people look at me like I'm crazy. We talk about random stuff until I have to go change Oliver's diaper. When I walk back out to the living room Jughead and Toni have just finished talking. Weird I didn't even notice he had come back. " bye Jones. Nice to meet you Octavia" Toni yells as she leaves.

"So you met Topaz" Jug says as he looks through the fridge. "Yeah she's really nice" I say giving Ollie his binki. "So when are you going to see your uncle and Archie?" He asks me. I sigh. " I wang to see them but they are gonna ask so many questions and I don't know if I can face telling them" I admit. "Well what if I tell them for you" Jug suggests. " are you sure?" I ask uncertain. " yeah I mean you already told me everything and as much as I love you I don't really have room for a baby." Jughead says. "Ok but when will you tell them" I say looking at him. " how about I meet them at pops in an hour." "Ok".
Jughead texted Archie and Fred saying he had something important to tell them and to meet them at pops. After talking about random stuff Jughead left.

I got hungry so I decided to cook something. I put Ollie in his car seat and looked in the cabinets. It sucked not having anything for him, if I didn't want to hold him I had to put him in the car seat. I find pancake mix and decide to make pancakes. I end up eating like 7 pancakes probably because I hadn't eaten anything. I watched tv for a few hours just laying on the couch with Ollie in my arms. I end up accidentally falling asleep.

Jughead's POV
I walk in the door at 1 am and see O asleep on the couch she wakes up when I close the door. "What took you so long what did they say." She asks sitting up immediately. "We talked for a few hours and then Fred went to talk to sheriff Keller while Archie and I talked some more." "Why did uncle Fred talk to the sheriff?" She asks rubbing her eyes. " he is getting temporary custody of you so your mom can't make you move back" she nodded before picking up Ollie and going to bed. I went to bed too.

I wake up when my school alarm goes off and quietly get dressed. I make sure I don't wake O or the baby up and walk outside getting on my motorcycle. I texted Octavia and told her I was going to school but really I was going to the Andrews house. Me, Archie and Fred had all taken the day off of school/work so we could turn the guest bedroom at there house into a nursery/ room for Ollie and Octavia. We already worked on it for a couple of hours last night but I didn't want to tell O do it could be a surprise. Fred went to go buy all the stuff we. Couldn't buy yesterday while me and Arch started to move stuff around. We finished the room about an hour before I would've been done with school. The room was already painted grey and had a bed so we just got a crib, changing table, bottles, diapers and wipes for Ollie. Clothes for both of them and some other random stuff for Octavia. Surprisingly the baby store had a huge sale going on so Fred didn't have to spend thousands of dollars on a nursery.

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