Chapter 4- high school

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Octavia POV
I wake up at 6:30 and get dressed. I put on ripped black jeans, a grey top, black converse, and a grey beanie. I cover up my bruises and then put on some black lipstick to finish off my dark themed outfit I feed Ollie and then change him into a white onesie that says hello world along with some black and white pants and a beanie that matched his pants.

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I grab my backpack that doubles as a diaper bag say goodbye to my uncle and head out the door with Archie

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I grab my backpack that doubles as a diaper bag say goodbye to my uncle and head out the door with Archie. I walk in with Arch and go to the office, then my locker. He fallows me to both places. "Arch you don't have to fallow me around I'm a big girl I can handle myself." I tell him as I get out the textbooks I'll need until my first break. Most kids would leave there backpacks in their locker but I can't leave his bottles and diapers in the opposite side of the school. "But what if you can't find your class, what if someone says something about you being a mom so young, what if-" I cut him off "I'll be fine Arch, I promise" he looks at me "fine, but if anyone says anything or touches you I'll kick their ass" I roll my eyes kiss him on the cheek and head yo my first class.

My first class is chemistry and Veronica was in the same class as me. Ollie slept until his car seat for the whole 45 minutes. The next class I had was algebra and no one I knew was in the class. 10 minutes before class ended Ollie started to cry. The teacher glared at me like she had never heard of a baby crying before. I quickly picked him up and fed him a bottle. Some people looked at me strange but most people ignored me. My third class was english and of course Archie and almost the whole football team was there. The boys started commenting on how pretty I was until Archie loudly told them that anyone who even thought about touching me would get there ass kicked. My face went bright red when he said this, of course he has to embarrass me on my first day at a new school. I finally have a free period and go to the student lounge with Archie. Betty and Veronica were already waiting for us along with another boy. "Hi I'm Kevin Keller and oh my god your baby is so cute" he gushed out. "I'm Octavia, and trust me he's a lot less cute when he's screaming in the middle of class" I laugh. "Did that really happen?" Veronica asks. "Yup it was horrible the teacher looked at me like I was crazy" they all laughed.

After break I went back to classes I didn't have any classes with the others until last period social studies which I had with Betty. We spent most of the time talking about random stuff and not listening to the teacher. "Oh I almost forgot, do you want to come to Jughead's with me and Kevin after school we are going to try and crack the black hoods cipher. One of Jughead's serpent friends is gonna be there to" Betty asks me as we pack up. "Sure what time?" I ask. "I'll pick you two up at 5" she says. Archie drives me home and then leaves to hang out with V. I repack the diaper bag and feed Oliver. I'm still feeding him when Betty knocks on the door. I grab his car seat and the bag and tell Betty to drive slow. Knowing that he will be super mad if I don't let him eat and that he could be eating for up to 30 minutes.

By the time we get there he's done eating so I fix my shirt and we walk into the trailer diaper bag and car seat in one hand baby in the other. We were the last people there and Jughead's serpent friend ended up being Toni she notices me and smiles. "Hey Octavia" "hi Toni" " wait you two know each other?" Betty asks. "Yeah we met when I stayed with Jug for a few days." We start going through the notes while eating chinese food. After almost three hours of being bored to death there was finally some drama. "These symbols look so familiar to me and it's driving me crazy. It's like I've seen them before but I have no idea where." Betty says annoyed. "Maybe if you loosened your ponytail" Toni says not looking up from the book she was reading. Everyone stared at her except me I was to busy trying to not laugh. I look up at Jug and he also looked like he found the comment funny. "What that was a joke guys" Toni says looking super confused. "Betty's ponytail is iconic and beyond reproach" Kevin snaps looking offended. " it's fine Kev at this point I'm willing to try anything." Betty says as she takes her hair down. "Per Mrs Peru's book I'm looking for letter combinations ph ing" Jughead says. "I'm looking for doubles. Double L like kill" Toni adds. "That's morbid". "Guys this could be an anagram" "ugh it's like it's on the tip of my brain" Betty sighs. "Let's go back to the basics what do we know about this guy" Jug asked. "He's a white male in his forties" Toni answers. " like almost every serial killer ever" I sigh dropping my book and picking up Ollie. "Why. Why is he killing people" Jug says rubbing his hands together. " we know he's trying to rid the town of sin and that he seems to be targeting people with ties to the north side" Betty says. By the look on Toni's face this was a huge mistake. "Here we go again you north siders and your privilege. Of course you think it's a south sider" she snaps. "It's stating facts Toni the south side has way more gangs and drugs" Betty tries to defend herself. "Drugs sold to north side crackheads. And that neo nazis the red circle, more like the red psychos. Come on Betty I'm surprised you haven't come out and said it." Toni yelled. This was getting entertaining. "Say what?" Betty yells back. "You think the black hood is a serpent, I mean you hate us right." "What no I don't" I decide now would be a good time to say something "you do act like you hate them Betty" I say. "If you don't hate us then why doesn't your boyfriend tell you that he sits with us at lunch, huh?" Betty looked at Jug shocked. "I'm gonna go" Kevin says awkwardly. "Same" Toni says at the time I say "me too" we both grab our stuff. " I could walk you home" Kevin offers to Toni. She gives him a look that says 'do I look like I need to be walked home'. "Or you could walk me home" Kev rambles. Toni rolls her eyes and turns to me and says " you know you look more like a southsider than you do a northsider" I laugh " yeah well dresses and pink sweaters aren't really my thing neither is the amount of prep everyone has." I answer. "Love your hair by the way" "thanks, give me your phone" I hand her my phone and she types something in before handing it back. There was a new contact labeled Toni 💚🐍
She had sent herself a message so she had my number too. "Text me if you ever want to hang with someone who isn't a rich" she says. "Will do" I say we had got to her trailer at this point so she hugs me and then me and Kev kept walking. He walked me home because he didn't want me to walk alone at night with a newborn. I walked inside put Oliver in his crib and passed out on my bed.

4 chapters in one day. I've been writing nonstop for like 6 hours. And this will probably get no views lol.

Word count- 1364

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