Chapter 12- Christmas

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Octavia POV
"Wake up Octavia it's Christmas." I roll over into my pillow as Archie shakes me awake "God Archie you're such a child" I say rolling out of bed. "You have 10 minutes to come downstairs" he says leaving my room. I change Oliver's diaper and leave him in his Christmas pjs. I walk downstairs to an annoyed Archie "what took you so long?" "I was gone 5 minutes" I answer grabbing a cup of coffee. After opening presents and talking for a while I get a text from Jughead.

I need your help. Meet me at the trailer park and don't bring Oliver.

Octavia 🐍🖤
Ok I'll see you in 15 minutes.

"Hey can one of you watch Ollie for me for a few hours! Emergency serpent business I have to be there." I ask. "Yeah I'll watch him be back by midnight alright" I nod and start walking to the southside. I get there and sit on a couch next to Sweets, nobody knows that we're dating. A lot of the younger serpents are there. Jug started to tell us what's going on. "Penny Peabody has got my dad dealing drugs, I know this because she had me doing it before him. And now Sweet Pea and Tallboy have been roped in too" he says, I look over at  my boyfriend with a glare mad he never, but I also remember the name, is the whole damn universe out to get me. I kind of zone out while the others bicker until I see everyone stand up. I quickly walk over to Jug "what are you going to do to her?" I ask quietly. "Cut  off her serpent tattoo, why?" He says confused. "Let me do it"  I say. "Why do you even now Penny?" He asks looking at me. "You don't remember? Whatever it doesn't matter just let me do this." I say before walking over to Sweets bike and getting on behind him. "What was that about" he asks starting his bike up. "You'll find out soon enough" I say wrapping my arms around his waist as we drive to Penny's house.

Jughead goes first to get her to open the door and then we fallow all wearing snake masks. "Is this supposed to scare me?" She asks, her voice is still the same I can barely look at her knowing what she did to me. What she let him do to me. Jughead put a bag over her head and we dragged her off to Greendale.

"Where am I?" She demands as Toni rips the bag of her. She still can't see my face. "You're in Greendale your new home. Frankly Penny I don't care where you set up shop, but it's not going to be in Riverdale and not with the serpents." Jughead says. "You stupid cocky kid" she says going on about how serpents can't hurt each other. I decide to shut her up. "Hold her" I yell to Sweet Pea and Toni. I take off my jacket and squat down infront  of her, she sees my face and her eyes go wide. "Hello mother" I say flicking open the switch blade Jughead got me for Christmas. "It's time you learn, that tattoo doesn't make you a serpent" I bring the knife down on her arm, slicing off the small snake tattoo. She screams as we get back on the bikes and head back to the trailer park.

"So snake charmer was your mom?" Sweet Pea asks as we sit on the couch in his trailer. "Yeah, I swear my fucked up past keeps fallowing me." I look at my phone and the time is 2 am. "Shit I was supposed to be back a few hours ago" I say getting up. "Wait I got you something for Christmas" he says also standing up. "You didn't have to do that" I say. "Of course I did" he hands me a small box, inside is a necklace with a snake. "Thank you" I whisper looking at it. "Turn around I'll put it on you" he says taking the box from my hands.

Sweet Pea drives me home and then kisses me before getting back on his bike and leaving

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Sweet Pea drives me home and then kisses me before getting back on his bike and leaving. I walk through the door with a smile on my face. "Young lady where the hell have you been it's almost 3 in the morning." I look to see both Archie and my uncle waiting at the counter for me. "Ok don't freak out after dealing with the serpents I went to Jughead's to watch a few movies and we both fell asleep." I lied. Archie looks at me "funny because I was at Pops with Jughead and he thought you had already went home." He says looking at me. "Plus we saw you kissing that guy on a motorcycle" Uncle Fred adds. Shit. "Ok fine I was hanging out with one of the serpents." I say. "So you have a boyfriend? Who is he." Archie demands. "It's Sweet Pea and I swear if you say anything to him" I threaten Archie. "Why are you both up this late anyway?" I say yawning. "Oh you didn't hear we caught the black hood" Archie says. "What really how" I ask. Archie goes on for almost an hour about how the black hood was really our janitor Mr. Svenson. I finally go up to bed and make sure Oliver is asleep before passing out the minute my head touches the pillow.

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than usual.
Word count: 929

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