Chapter 22

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Octavia POV
I wake up with a start before sinking back down in pain. "Hey, you're ok" Jug says pushing my shoulder down so I don't sit up. "Do you remember what happened?" He asks me, I nod "I came here to see if the sheriff was lying about fangs being dead, and he was. Then I went to go home and Hal Cooper started stabbing me." I say. "He stabbed you 28 times, you were out for a week" he says. I notice the bruises on his face "what happened to you" I ask. "Oh I got attacked by some ghoulies" he answers. "Where's Ollie is he ok?" I ask realizing a nine month old would have no idea why I was gone. "He's ok, Sweet Pea has been watching him all week, barely lets him out of his sight for more than a minute. I nod and Jughead pulls out his phone to call someone "hey can you come over here?  No it's fine just bring him. Ok bye" he hangs up. I look at him confused "Sweet Pea is coming here" he says and I smile. "Wait don't you have school" I ask. "Yeah but it's Friday so it doesn't matter, Monday is the last day anyway." He says and I nod. Suddenly the door burst open "Jughead what's wrong is she ok" Sweet Pea says not noticing I'm awake. "Mama" Ollie says pointing at me, Sweet Pea looks at me and then puts Ollie on the edge of the bed and goes to hug me. "Please tell me that was his first word" I say hoping I didn't miss him talking for the first time. "Yeah it was" Pea answers. Ollie crawls up the bed and into my lap. "Hi buddy. Did ya miss me?" I ask picking him up. "Yeah he did he was crying nonstop most of the time." Jug says to me. "So when can I get out of this place" I ask. Right as I ask this a doctor comes in "you can leave in a few hours we just have to check your stitches and you need to sign some paperwork" he says looking at his clipboard. "So was there a reason your girlfriend's dad stabbed me 28 times?" I ask turning to Jughead. "Um yeah, so the black hood wasn't actually dead and the black hood is Hal Cooper, but he was arrested" I nod it kind of makes sense he always acted sketchy. "So what did I miss while I was dead to the world" I ask looking at them. "My dad stepped down from the serpents and I'm serpent king. Cheryl joined the serpents. Hiram Lodge bought the wyrm so we had to abandon it. The ghoulies almost destroyed the trailer park. Your uncle lost the election for mayor. Veronica bought pops from her dad. Archie won the election for student council" Jughead explains. I nod and then the doctor comes in to give me the paperwork I need to sign to be released. Sweet Pea takes Ollie and leaves and I get my stitches checked one last time before I can get dressed and leave.

I stand in my living room waiting for Archie to get here. I had already talked to my uncle. The door opens and he walks in along with Betty and Veronica. "Hey guys" I say waiting for them to notice me. "OMG you finally woke up" Veronica says as they all go to hug. "Don't scare me like that ok" Archie says to me. "Don't worry I don't plan on almost dying again anytime soon." I laugh hugging him. We talked about what had happened in the past few days for a while, before I had to leave  "Now as nice as it was to talk to you guys, I miss my son and boyfriend" I say getting up. "I'll drive you" Archie offers.  I nod and we walk outside to his car.

I notice Fangs and Toni's motorcycles outside Sweet Pea's trailer and get an idea. "I'm back bitches" I yell as I open the door. "Finally" Toni yells hugging me "I thought I would have to deal with these two forever." She says. "You know when you say you're going to leave your supposed to leave the hospital not just leave my room and then get stuck in a different room for a week" Fangs jokes. "Oh Octavia, Ollie has been saying mama nonstop since we got here" Toni tells me as I pick up my baby. "Yeah he said it earlier at the hospital when he first saw me. What's next little man you gonna start walking on me or something." I ask him jokingly. "Thank you for watching him this week" I say turning to Pea. "Your welcome and it was fun hanging out with little man" he says. "Yeah Sweet Pea would be a great dad" Toni says wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Da" Ollie says looking at Sweet Pea. Poor Pea just looks shocked. "Hey smart kid" Fangs says as Toni try's to not laugh. "Well you just keep surprising us today huh?" I say throwing him up in the air and catching him. "Well we're gonna go, let you two talk" Toni says dragging Fangs out the door. "Do you mind if he calls you that?" I ask Sweet Pea. "No, do you mind if he calls me that?" He asks back. "No, you were always like a father to him." I admit. "Ok" he says walking up to me and kissing me.

I wake up and get dressed it's the last day of school. I get Ollie ready and go downstairs to wait for Archie so he can drive us.

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We get to school and walk into the student lounge where the others all already waiting

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We get to school and walk into the student lounge where the others all already waiting. We don't have any actual classes today, just talking to teachers and an assembly. "Dada" Ollie says reaching his arms out to Sweet Pea. "I'm offended, I think he likes you better then he likes me" I say handing him to Pea who smirks at me. "Ok when did that happen?" Archie asks. I shrug and turn to talk to Betty, she tells me about how her dad was arrested and how her mom was talking to the cult her sister joined. "Wait your sisters in a cult" I say surprised. "Well I don't know if it's actually a cult but it sure as hell seems like one. It's called the farm" she tells me. We all talk until we have to go to the end of year assembly.

I sit next to Sweet Pea and the other serpents during the assembly, bouncing Ollie on my lap so he doesn't get bored. Archie is at the front with the teachers since he's next year's student council president. After introducing a few things everyone stands up and Josie starts singing the National Anthem.  Archie keeps looking at the door way but I can't tell exactly what it is that he's looking at. Suddenly the doors burst open and the sheriff and two cops walk over to my cousin. Josie's singing slowly stops singing. They cuff Archie and arrest him. "What's going on" I ask no one in particular. "I don't know" Sweet Pea answers.

That's the end of season two. At first I wasn't going to write the third season, but then I got an idea for it so I am.

Word count: 1247

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