Chapter 36

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Octavia POV
"So are you glad you joined the farm?" Toni asks me. "Honestly I'm not entirely sure, I miss Sweet Pea and so does Ollie" I tell her as I grab my books from my locker. "Hey guys" Fangs and Kevin says as they walk over to us. "Hi" I say staring after Sweet Pea who was talking to the serpents, I hadn't worn my jacket since I moved in with the farm, they don't believe in gangs. "You really do miss him huh" Fangs says to me. "Yeah, but I don't regret joining the farm" I say slamming my locker shut and walking towards my class. I hadn't talked to anyone outside of the farm since I visited Sweet Pea.

"Octavia?" I turn around to see Betty. "Yes" I ask as I wash my hands. "Are you sure your ok, if the farm is threatening you or something we can help" she says to me. "I'm ok Betty, you don't understand I'm doing this because I want to, not because someone is forcing me to" I tell her. "No you don't understand, that is not a safe place to raise a toddler, is this really worth putting your son in danger?" She asks angrily. I completely get where she's coming from, she thinks I'm willing to hurt my son, but I'm not. The deal is I get Ollie and myself out of there as soon as it gets too dangerous. She doesn't understand that I'm doing this to stop the farm not support them. I pull her into a hug "I promise that if I think Oliver isn't safe I will get him out ok" I whisper into her ear. I don't wait for a response I just walk out of the bathroom. "Your sister is proving to be a problem" I say. I'm always wearing a microphone so Charles can hear me.

"Hey Cheryl what's wrong?" I ask. "The farm won't let me and TT be prom Queens" she says to me. "That sucks" I tell her. I go back to the farm and sit in my room with Ollie doing homework. "Mama" I look over "what's wrong baby?" I ask him as he crawls up on my lap. "Dada" he says. "I know bub, I miss him too. We'll see him soon I promise" I say hugging him.

I get dressed and do my hair and makeup for prom. I didn't really want to go, but I can't show that anything is wrong. "Are you sure you can watch him?" I ask Polly and Alice. "Yeah we will be fine Octavia. Go have fun at prom, be a teenager while you still can" Polly tells me. "Ok, but call me if anything is wrong" I tell them. I kiss Ollie on the head and leave.
Octavia outfit and hair

 Octavia outfit and hair

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I get to school and go to the gym

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I get to school and go to the gym. I talk with Kevin and Fangs for most of the night. "Hey Cheryl you still upset about not being prom queen?" I ask walking over to her and Toni. "I don't really know, but suddenly being a farmie is making a lot less sense" she tells me. The announcement for prom queen is in a few minutes so I go back to Kev and Fangs. I look over at Sweet Pea who's laughing with some other serpents, at least he's not here with some girl. "And this years prom queen is Betty Cooper" everyone claps but Betty doesn't come up to the stage. Where is she, is she ok?  "Octavia have you seen Betty?" Jughead asks walking up to me. "No I haven't, I can help you look for her if you want" I offer. He nods and we both leave the gym.

We look around the school until we hear a scream. I take my gun out and run after Jughead who was already speeding off in the direction of the scream. "Betty it's me Jug" he says knocking on the janitors closet. She comes out and hugs him "did you see him did you see him jug?" She asks. "Who the gargoyle king?" Jughead asks. "No the black hood. The black hood is back" she sobs into him. I look around to make sure no ones there. "Shh it's ok Betty he's gone now" I tell her.

After prom night Betty started started staying at the farm. She isn't doing it because she wants to, she's doing it to protect her mother. "Hey B, how you holding up?" I ask as we sit down to eat. "I'm ok" she says with a smile. Fangs winces and grabs his side. "Fangs are you ok?" Betty asks. "Yup I'm still a little sore, but the big pain is gone now" he says. Shit he better not be talking about what I think he's talking about. "What are you talking about?" Betty asks confused. "Fangs has a minor procedure done" Kev answers. Those motherfuckers stole my friends organs. "What kind of procedure?" Betty asks. "It's a purging of all of the pain that's been crushing us, I can't wait to get mine done too." Cheryl says. "Hold on Cheryl you're in pain, like physical pain" Betty says worriedly. "It's one of Edgars methods he transforms our emotional pain into physical pain so it's easier to treat and banish" she says. "But me first babe" Toni says grabbing Cheryl's hand. "That's right TT is next in line" "for me the tenderness in my back only lasted a few days but it was so worth it" no not Kevin too. Betty lifts his shirt and there is a huge scar on his side "oh my god Kevin that is not from a minor procedure, it's from a major surgery" she says. "Never do that again" he says. "So Octavia are you gonna get a procedure done?" Toni asks me as we walk back to our rooms. "No, I've tried turning emotional pain into physical and it's not worth it" I  tell her. "But it can get rid of the pain forever" Toni says looking at me. "Toni pain is what makes us stronger, trust me I would know" I say. "But it would be so much easier if it was gone" she tells me. "I can't make you change your mind, but don't do this because someone else is telling you too" I tell her before walking into my room. "Did you hear that?" I ask Charles over the phone. "Yeah that pretty much confirms that they are taking organs" he says "we are going to have to act faster than I thought we would" he tells me. "How soon do you think?" I ask. "As soon as Alice gives us the signal" he says. I sit with Ollie and play with him or do homework for a few hours. I decide to finally go to bed, I sleep with Ollie in my arms. The farm gave him a crib but I'm afraid someone will try to take him and I won't realize, mainly because no body would have noticed right away, if Betty had stolen Juniper and we hadn't ratted her out.

Word count: 1195

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