Chapter 13- welcome to Riverdale high

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Octavia POV
Southside high was shut down, so today the serpents are transferring to Riverdale high. Jug is coming back and I'll be able to hang out with Toni and Sweets more. But I don't know how long until people figure out we're dating. We aren't exactly hiding it but we haven't told anyone yet except Archie and my uncle. Veronica decided she would take it upon herself to welcome the serpents and I got roped into it too being the only serpent that already goes here.

I quickly get ready for school. I put Ollie in this cute little southside serpents onesie that Jughead gave him. Ollie is 10 weeks old and I can't believe how fast he's growing up. He can lift his head up, grab toys, and he even almost rolled over once. I get dressed and hurry out before Archie gets impatient.

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(Only the clothes and shoes not the accessories)

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(Only the clothes and shoes not the accessories)

Archie doesn't talk to me the whole way to school. I don't think he's very happy about me going to the same school as my boyfriend. We get to school and wait by the table Veronica has set up. The doors open with a bang and in came the serpents led by Jughead. I lock eyes with Toni and we both silently agree that this is going to be interesting. "Friends" Veronica starts "on behalf of the students and staff here at Riverdale high welcome to your new school. To ease this transition I've set up a registration desk." Jughead comes and takes Ollie out of my arms "hey you stole my baby." I say jokingly drowning out whatever Veronica was saying about locker codes. "We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale" Veronica says. Before anyone can react I loudly say "no don't, it's definitely poisoned"
This earns me laughs from the serpents and a death glare from my cousins girlfriend. I give her an innocent smile. "Stand down, Eva Perone" Cheryl says walking down the stairs with the bulldogs and vixens, oh great here we go. "There's the school spirit I so fondly remember" Jug says sarcastically. "Trust me they have way too much spirit" I groan. "Cheryl no one invited fascist Barbie to the party" Veronica says coldly. "Wrong Veronica no one invited southside scum to our school. Listen up ragamuffins, I will not allow Riverdale highs above average GPA to lower because of classrooms overcrowded with underachievers." oh bad idea Cheryl don't insult the snakes. "Why don't you come over here and say that to my face" Toni growls out walking towards her. "Happily Queen of the buskers" Cheryl said back with a smile. "Okay guys, everyone can we just put our northside southside differences behind us." Archie says getting between the bickering girls. "You don't speak for the bulldogs Andrews, and might  I remind you these greaser-snakes showed up to your place trying to kick your ass" Reggie says. "Ah fun times" I sigh as if I'm recalling a happy memory. "Oh shut up mini Andrews and stop walking around here with that jacket and your stupid kid on your hip like it's an accessory." Reggie says rolling his eyes at me. Big mistake. I jump towards him "remember when I punched you Mantle, because if you don't I'll gladly do it again to jog your memory." I yell trying to hit him but Sweet Pea and Fangs grab me and hold me back. "Alright that's enough pomp and circumstance. Get to class." Weatherbee says I take Ollie back from Jughead and pout at the two boys behind me. "You should've let me hit him" I whine at them. Fangs laughs and ruffles my hair. "Not the hair Fangs" I yell. "So what class do you have?" I turn to steal Sweets timetable. "Great we have 5 out of 7 classes together" I say dragging him to our first class.

Classes where a lot more fun with the serpents, I finally could talk about something interesting with someone I liked. Now we where in the student lounge eating lunch. I was sitting next to Pea with my legs on his lap. "I don't think we've properly met, Veronica Lodge."  Veronica says holding out her hand to Toni. "Of the park avenue Lodges." Jughead says shoving chips in his mouth. "Toni Topaz" Toni answers shaking her hand. I grab Sweet Peas apple and take a bite out of it before handing it back to him. This earns us a few weird looks. "Ohh like the purple colored gemstone." Veronica squeals Toni just nods awkwardly. "And I'm Josie. Formerly of the pussycats now just Josie. And this is Kevin." Josie finishes trying to get the attention away from her. Kevin looks at Fangs "what's your name?" He asks kind of staring. "Fogarty. Or you can call me Fangs. Your last names Keller right?" Fangs asks not looking away from the boy. "How did you know that" Kev says slightly nervous. "Joaquin and I used to hang out. He talked about you all the time." I remember hearing about Kevin dating a serpent that must of been him. "You guys. Yes you come with me." Weatherbee says. "Now what." I mumble standing up and taking Ollie from Toni.

We all go out in the hallway yo see that someone had spray painted a snake over the school seal. Perfect we would be blamed for this. "Which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?" He demands. "See principle Weatherbee this is what they do." I look over at Reggie who is smirking like he just stole candy from a baby. I bet he was the one to do it. "Effective immediately, no gang behavior will be tolerated at my school. No serpent jackets all tattoos must be covered up" "what are you kidding me" we all say. "Failure to fallow these instructions will lead to suspension."  He notices Ollies onesie and looks even more pissed off "and Miss Andrews if you ever dress your son like that again he will no longer be welcome at my school" I bite my lip so I don't say something I'll regret. I just nod with a forced smile. He walks off and everyone heads to class Sweet Pea pecks me on the lips before leaving to one of the two classes he has without me.

"Ok you did not just kiss Sweet Pea. When did that happen and why have I not been informed." Toni says as we head to the same class. "It happened a few days after I became a serpent and we haven't really told anyone." I answer. "So you two are dating." She says with a grin I nod and she grins even more. We get to class and talk about the most random shit.

Word count: 1138

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