Chapter 3- core four

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Octavia POV
Today I was meeting Archie and Jughead's girlfriends. I knew Betty when I was little but I've never met Veronica. We decided to meet up here instead of pops which is good because my anxiety is super bad today and I don't want to be in a diner full of people. I get me and Ollie dressed and then I put on some makeup, mostly because I like to wear makeup but also to cover up the bruises. I don't want every single person in this town to know I was abused.

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I hear the door open and I take a breath before walking down stairs

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I hear the door open and I take a breath before walking down stairs. They are all talking when I get down there Betty is the first to notice me. She looks exactly like she did when we were kids just older. Veronica looks like a typical rich kid nice clothes, heels, and pearls. "Hey Octavia it's been so long you look all grown up" I laugh and hug Betty back. I was younger than most kids in my grade even before I skipped a year so Archie's friends have always treated me like a little sister. "It's good to see you too Betty" I say as we break away from the hug. "Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge." Veronica offers me a hand. " Octavia Andrews" I say as I shake her hand. "You know Archie talks about you a lot, he was always worried about you."  She says looking at me. I hum to show that I'm listening. "Ah there's my nephew" Jughead says taking Ollie from me. I roll my eyes at him. "Hey no fair he's my nephew" Archie wines. Archie has always been more like a brother than a cousin so Ollie will grow knowing him as an uncle. "He can have two uncles you know" I say looking at the two boys who were glaring at each other. "Fine" they say at the same time. "Can I hold him?" Betty asks looking at me. "Sure if you can get Jug go let him go for long enough." I joke as she walks over and takes him from her boyfriend. "He's so tiny, how old is he" Veronica asks. "10 days" I answer. Ollie starts to cry so I go get the bottle that I had left in the fridge. I started pumping so he would have something to eat if he was hungry and Archie or my uncle were babysitting him, and so I wouldn't have to pull out my boob while in the middle of class. I start at Riverdale high on Monday and they said I could bring Oliver with me. I hand Betty the bottle and she feeds him. I burp him when he's done eating and then put him in his swing he quickly falls asleep.

I talk with the other four for a few hours

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I talk with the other four for a few hours. We talk about Jason blossoms death and the black hood. We also talk about school, Juggie is going to south side high so we won't be able to see him during the day. I find out about Archies stupid red circle. After a few hours everyone leaves and Uncle Fred comes home. We sit and eat pizza while catching up. I hadn't been able to talk to him since I got here yesterday. I finally go to bed. The next two days pass quickly and suddenly it's the night before my first day of school at Riverdale high. I'm in the same grade as Archie and the others. Between tossing and turning all night and getting up to feed or change Ollie I don't fall asleep until 2:00 am
A/n sorry this is so short it was kind of a filler chapter before Octavia starts school. I'll try to introduce Sweet Pea within the next few chapters.
Word count: 639

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