Chapter 20- Carrie the musical

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Octavia POV
"Sorry Kev but the answer is no" I say walking to class. "Please Octavia you used to love acting" he begs walking next to me. "Yeah when I was seven. I will help backstage but I'm not acting ok?" I say stopping in front of the class I'm supposed to be in. "Fine but you have to be the makeup artist" he says. "Deal" I answer walking into class. "What was that about?" Sweet Pea asks as I sit down "Kevin convinced me to do the makeup for the school musical" I answer getting out my notebook so I can take notes. "Cool Fangs is like the assistant director or something" he says. "Really never thought Fogarty would be into musicals" I laugh. We would have kept talking but the teacher was paying attention to the two of us and I don't want detention.

"Welcome to Carrie the musical" Kevin says as we all sit in a circle. Another chair pulls up with a screech and Fangs sits next to Kevin. They would make a good couple. Jughead is the official videographer so he basically has to fallow everyone around with a camera. Everyone goes around and says there roll/job and most of the kids are pretty much Riverdale's version of there characters. Betty's mom is playing Carrie's mom and Chuck Clayton, Riverdale's very own douche bag is also in the play. "Ok act one scene one" Kev says "actually" Cheryl interrupts "I've heard whispers that some of you vultures don't think I'm fit to play or sing the role of Carrie White. So to settle this matter once and for all maestro" she says "ok Cheryl" Kevin tries to say something but is interrupted by Cheryl who starts singing one of her songs. She goes to walk off and I hear a noise above me and look up to see a rope moving. I grab Cheryl and pull her back, she screams as a heavy sandbag land where she was standing less than a second before.

I walk with Kev to his locker as he tells me about the kind of makeup I will have to do. A piece of paper falls out of his locker when he opens it. I quickly read it and at the bottom is B.H "The black hood" I whisper looking at him. "Hey Octavia lets go" I look to see Fangs and the others. I say bye to Kevin and walk towards them. "Thank you for watching him" I say to Toni as I take Ollie from her. "Oh it's nothing he slept almost the whole class. That teacher kept giving me dirty looks though" "yeah she hates kids, always stares me down when he starts crying." I answer. "So did you hear about how Octavia saved your girlfriend's life" Fangs asks her. Both her and Pea look at me confused. "A sand bag was falling so I pulled her out of the way, it wouldn't have killed her probably just knock her out. Oh by the way Fangs Kevin got a note from someone claiming to be the black hood saying that it's a sin that Cheryl is playing Carrie and it has to be someone else" I say opening my locker and grabbing my vixens uniform. "What I thought your cousin caught that guy" Sweet Pea says. "He did so either they got the wrong guy or someone wants the role and thinks this will get them it." I say as me and Toni walk to the gym for cheer practice, leaving the boys behind us.

After two months  of practice it's finally the opening night. I finish up everyone's makeup and then sit in the front with Kevin, Fangs, and Jughead. "Here you go" Jug says handing Oliver to me and getting our the camera. The show goes smoothly until the very end. Midge is supposed to come out when the curtains open but instead she pinned to the walls held in place by knives, covered in blood. That's not part of the show, I never did any bloody makeup looks for Midge. I look over to Jughead who is holding his camera shocked. I look back up to Midge's body and finally notice the message written in her blood 'I am back from the dead. All those who escaped me before will die. B.H. Everyone screams and starts to run. Fangs grabs my arm and drags me away from the crowd and over to Sweet Pea who was sitting with the other serpents.

The whole town went to Midge's funeral. The police said her death was a murder but they don't think the black hood is the one who killed her. They say it's either a copy cat killer or someone who is trying to use the black hood to cover their tracks. I think that Archie caught the wrong guy and the real killer had just laid low for a while.  Jughead's footage from the documentary has been taken into police custody and everyone working on the play, including me has been questioned multiple times by the police. We are still no closer to finding out who killed her than we were when she died, none of what the police are doing is even helping. Mr and Mrs Clump were  heartbroken when they found out.

I'm sitting in a swords and serpents meeting when the bulldogs burst in, Reggie leading them "which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Clump?" "What the hell is going on this is a private meeting" Jug yells. "I'm guessing it was you Sweet Pea" Reggie says pointing at my boyfriend. "I have a girlfriend so no, but I can see how she wouldn't want fleas from you mangy bulldogs" he says standing up.  Reggie jumps at Sweet Pea and everyone rushes to pull them apart. A bulldog knocks into me and I fall over, almost dropping Ollie. Fangs helps me up and I notice the scared look in his eyes "what's wrong" I ask he looks around before answering "I slept with Midge" he whispers to me.

It's been almost a month since Midge's death and still no arrests, but that might change soon. Someone leaked a video of her and Fangs the night of the show, right before she was killed. "Excuse me, this is the principle I need Fangs Fogarty to come to my office immediately." I run through the halls trying to find him. "What the hell how did the video get out" he says to Jughead and Toni I walk up to them and grab Oliver from Jug. "Come on we should go before the dark circle finds you" I say grabbing the sleeve of his serpent jacket. We turn around and are met with police officers "Mr Fogarty you have to come with us" the new sheriff says. "I didn't do anything" Fangs says taking a step back, he looks scared shitless. He looks behind him and the dark circle is there. He runs and tries to make it out of the crowd but the cops grab him. As he struggles to get free the keys to his motorcycle and a switchblade fall out of his pocket. They slam him on the ground, cuff him and drag him away, taking the knife as evidence. I crouch down on the floor picking up the keys to his bike and putting them in my pocket so I can give them back to him when or if they let him go.

Word count: 1257

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