Chapter 34

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Octavia POV
It was finally time for the school musical and I was at Jughead's new house with Betty and Jughead before we had to leave. FP comes in with his face bloody "whoa what the hell happened?" Jug asks as Betty asks "are you ok" "I'm fine it's just a scratch. Some tweaked-out fizzle head was playing G&G in the middle of the road" he tells us. "So the candy store is back in business?" I ask. "Yeah and I'm gonna find who ever is cooking that crap" he says wiping the blood off his face. "Drugs, it's terrible. What a nightmare" Gladys says. I try not to scoff, Jug doesn't look to happy either. "Dad if you're ok I think Betty, Octavia, and I are gonna ride ahead" he says. "Ok" FP says not paying much attention to it. "Why what's going on?" Gladys asks suspicious. "Oh just a quick stop." "Little pre show tradition, Ollie come here" I say grabbing my son as we leave.

"Jeez, talk about watching your childhood go up in flames" Jughead says as we watch his old trailer burn. We quickly go to the school and I do finishing touches on some of the makeup. "Octavia I need you in the very end of the show just one line in a song, here's your outfit" Kev says handing me some clothes. I quickly change and then walk out to the crowd. "FP can you watch him for the play Kevin wants me in the last song" I ask him. Gladys rolls her eyes at me. "Yeah I'll watch him" FP answers. "Thank you" I say before running back to behind the stage. I do my hair and makeup while helping people who need theirs redone for a costume change or something. I go out on the stage and sing my line. After the song is done it's silent for a moment, until someone stands up and claps other people joining in clapping at the exact same beat. I realize that the person who started the clapping was Edgar "I knew my dad would like it" Evelyn says from across the stage. Sweet Pea looks down at me before grabbing my hand.

"Jug I need to talk to you" I say walking through the door with Ollie in my arms. "Can't you knock?" Gladys asks me. "No I'm good" I say, it might sound rude but I've been barging into to Jug's place since I was a kid. He never cared before I left and he doesn't now, his mom is the only one who has a problem with it. Gladys looks over to Jug "She's fine mom, I don't care and she's basically my sister" he says grabbing Ollie from me. "Hey hun why the long face?" Gladys asks as FP walks in. "One of my deputies found our old trailer or what was left of it, it was burnt to a crisp" he tells us. I look at Jughead who is feeding Ollie some scrambled egg with a smirk on his face. "They found drug cooking material inside" "oh my. In our trailer" Gladys says looking at us. "This little town can't seem to catch a break, you remove one cancer and another pops up" I say nonchalantly as I steal a piece of Jughead's bacon. He stares at me. "What?" I ask with a smirk "y-y-you stole my bacon" he stutters. "Oops was this yours sorry" I shrug taking a bite of it. "Your mother is a thief" Jug says to Ollie. "Mama fief" Ollie says pointing at me. "No uncle Juggie just doesn't know how to share food" I tell my son as I wipe the egg off his face. "He's not his uncle" Gladys tells me. "Why not" FP asks. "Because I don't want my son proud that his friend is a teenage mom" She says glaring at me. "Gladys that's enough, Jughead is Ollie's uncle and you don't have a say in it nor do I" he says giving me an apologetic smile. "Come on dad we are missing the Saturday morning cartoons" J.B. says grabbing her plate. "Ok" FP says fallowing her. "Did you really think blowing up the trailer would change anything" Gladys asks us in a low voice "oh we won't stop, did you really think trying to hurt my son would stop me from doing something?" I ask. "This will go on until you are out of Riverdale" Jughead tells his mom. "Well buckle up because I'm here to stay" she says. "We'll see about that" I tell her. "I gave to get to work, Ollie say bye-bye to uncle Juggie" I say as I pick up my son. "Buh bah ncle Uggie" he says waving his fist. He is talking more than usual for his age and it's really cute. "Bye little man" Jug says. I head to Pops and start my shift, at this point I usually hold Ollie through out my shift and put him down if I'm bringing people there food or if he is asleep.

"O, can you go get there orders" Veronica tells me pointing at a table. I smirk and nod. "What can I get you today?" I ask the group of four. "Octavia hi" Toni says turning to me. She was with Pea, Fangs, and Jughead. I get there orders and turn to leave "dada" Ollie says reaching out for Sweet Pea. "You want to stay here" I ask him and he nods, I hand him to Pea and go to put in there orders. The bell rings and three men walk in, I can tell they aren't from here. "Hi welcome to pops, what can I get you three today?" I ask walking over to them. "You can get me your number" one of them says, his eyes glued to my chest. I force a smile "sorry sir but I'm afraid that's not on the menu" I tell him. I take there orders and the same guy is flirting with me the entire time. I put there orders in and grab the serpents food. "Here you go" I say handing them there food. "You ok you seemed annoyed at that guy over there" Toni asks me. "Yeah I'm fine dude just can't tell when someone isn't interested in him" I tell her. "Want us to bash his head in?" Sweet Pea ska me. "I'm fine Sweets I promise" I say kissing him. I grab the asshats food and walk over to them. "So do you kiss all of your costumers?" The same guy asked with a smirk. "Only the ones I'm dating" I say putting the plates on the table. I lean forward so I can hand the guy on the inside of the booth his food. I feel a hand on my ass and turn around punching the dude hard in the face. "You little bitch, I'm calling the cops" he says getting his phone out. Veronica comes out and goes to talk to him "don't they will probably send FP" I tell her. She nods and walks away. "They are sending some one, your ass is gonna end up in jail" he tells me. "Ok" I say before walking over to the others. "Damn you can really throw a punch" Fangs says as I sit down next to them. "Asshole deserved it, and he called the cops" I say. "So what are we doing next with your mom" I ask Jughead. "I don't know yet, I still need a plan" he tells me. I nod. I hear police sirens and smirk, I grab Ollie from Pea and walk over to FP who just walked in. "So are you the waitress who assaulted a costumer for no reason" he asks me. "If flirting with me and grabbing my ass after I said I was dating some one is no reason then yes you found the right person" I say as Ollie plays with my hair. FP sighs and walks over to the guy. "Yes officer that's her I want her arrested" Asshole says pointing at me. "Sir I'm going to have to asks you to leave" FP says. "What no you have to arrest her she punched me" he complains. "Leave now or I'm going to arrest you for sexual harassment and assault" FP says getting out a pair of hand cuffs. All three of them leave. "You ok kiddo?" He asks me. "Yeah I'm fine I should get back to work" I say going to the kitchen.

Word count: 1434

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