Chapter 8- street race

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Octavia POV
I pace back and fourth the holding cell we've been in here for five hours. I've never been away from Ollie for more than three hours. Toni has been trying to calm me down but it's not really working. "Octavia relax, I'm sure Jughead is doing fine babysitting Ollie. I mean he's watched him before right." Toni says soothing. "Yeah but last time he watched him he could call me and I could tell him what to do or I could go and pick him up. Now I can't do anything, I mean what is he supposed to do if he can't get him to stop crying!" I ramble before sitting down and putting my head in my hands. Toni sits next to me with a sigh realizing nothing she could say is going to calm me down. "I'm sure your son is fine" I whip my head around to look at Sweet Pea. "Thanks Pea brain you just solved all of my life problems" I snap at him. I get very irritable when I'm anxious or worried. "Don't call me Pea brain, princess" he says smirking. "Don't call me princess, Pea brain" I say back. "Sweet Pea you really aren't helping" Toni says glaring at him. He raises his hands in a mock surrender. "You're all free to go" a police officer says unlocking the jail cell. "Oh and there's a guy waiting with a baby outside" I push Sweet Pea out of the way so I can get out before him then impatiently wait for Toni to get out. "Watch it" Sweet Pea says to me. "Shouldn't have been in my way. Topaz, hurry your ass up" I yell as Toni finally walks out of the cell.

We get outside and Jug is waiting with my son. He immediately smiles when he sees me. I pick him up and cradle him to my chest. "Hi baby, I missed you." I say to him. All the serpents look at me like I'm crazy. "What asshats never seen a baby before?" I yell at them annoyed. Jug rolls his eyes while Toni laughs at me. "Only you would insult a bunch of serpents like that." She says while laughing. She then looks at Ollies shirt and starts laughing again.

I turn to Jughead "you are no longer aloud to buy Oliver clothes

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I turn to Jughead "you are no longer aloud to buy Oliver clothes." I say. At this point Sweet Pea and Fangs had saw the shirt and were laughing too. I glare at them until they stop. Jug tells us about the street race he is doing against the goulies and then we go home.

I get up and get dressed. My uncle agreed to watch Ollie for the day so I fed him and then put him back to bed.

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I get a text from Toni saying that she was here to pick me up

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I get a text from Toni saying that she was here to pick me up. I go outside and she's waiting with her motorcycle. We drive to the race and a bunch of serpents, goulies, and surprisingly there's quite a few northsiders too. The boys get into the cars and start the race. We wait for a few minutes until someone screams "everyone run. Cops are rounding up goulies" everyone runs as the car Jug and Arch we're in comes back. Toni pulls me over to her bike but before we leave I notice someone staring at me, the person I had run from, the person I never wanted to see again. Steve James, my step dad and the biological father of my son. "G-go. Now Toni go!" I say panicked. Toni speeds off and dropped me off at home after I convince her everything is fine. I run up to my room and pace back and forth while trying to figure out what to do. I have 3 options I could do nothing and pretend he never saw me. I could take Ollie and leave Riverdale. Or I could leave Riverdale on my own and leave Ollie with my uncle. I look down at my sleeping baby, I can't leave him, and he can't spend the rest of his life on the run. I decided that for now I would just do nothing. Maybe I just saw someone who looked like him. I lay down and toss and turn for hours until I finally fall asleep.

⚠️⚠️Tw ⚠️⚠️
I wake up at three in the morning to a call from an unknown number. I pick up my phone and answer it. "Octavia, I've missed you so much why did you leave us?" Says a voice, the voice that haunts my dreams. "You know why I left I had to protect my baby." I say as my voice breaks. "But it's my baby too, unless you've forgotten" he asks. How could I ever forget? " I haven't" I say. "So here's what your going to do, you're not going to block this number because I already know where you live, you're not going to run because then your cousin and best friend might just have an accident, you're going to except every call because you know what will happen if you don't" he finishes. "Why are you doing this?" I ask him while trying not to cry. "You know why, Good night Octavia, don't let the bed bugs bite." He says before handing up. I stare at my phone for a few seconds before rushing into the bathroom connected to my room. I rummage through the drawers until I find what I'm looking for a small metal blade.

I roll up my sleeve and drag the blade across my arm. I hadn't self harmed since I found out I was pregnant. The scars on my arms and thighs had almost completely faded. But now I have a bunch of angry red lines going from my wrist to my elbow. I get out the first aid kit and wrap a piece of gauze around my arm and try to fall back asleep. Before I do I decide that tomorrow I'm going to tell Jughead.

Word count : 1006

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