Chapter 37- end of season 3

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Octavia POV
"What's this emergency Betty?" Kevin asks as him, Fangs, Toni, Cheryl, Betty, Ollie, and I sit in the break room. "Edgar Evernever is hypnotizing us" she says. I had already figured this out and was doing my best to stay away from his treatment. "So. Hypnotherapy is a standard therapeutic practice" Cheryl tells her. "Whatever Edgars doing works" "he took my pain away" "and I can't wait for him to take mine". "Ok that's it, I think he's purposely inflicting pain on you during hypnosis" Betty tells them. "Oh ok. Now you just sound koo koo pants. Why would Edgar cause us pain just to take it away" Cheryl asks. Maybe to steal your organs. "I don't know maybe to have more power over you, to control you" "Edgar is our healer Betty. And do you have any proof" Cheryl yells. "Octavia back me up here" she says looking at me. "Even if I did agree with what Edgar is doing, and I'm not saying I don't I honestly have no idea how I feel about it, I can't change there minds Betty and neither can you" I tell her.

I'm sitting with Cheryl in her room when Betty comes in. "Cheryl Octavia the farm is a front. Kevin and Fangs, Edgar took their kidneys. There is a refrigerator filled to the brim with human organs the farm is an organ farm" she tells us. "Well that confirms it" I mumble under my breath, loud enough for the microphone to pick up but too quiet for the others to hear me. "Are you trying to get shipped off to shutter island you lunatic" Cheryl says. Betty opens the box and shows us the kidney. I take my phone out snap a picture and send it to Charles as evidence. "OMG is that?" Cheryl asks unable to finish the sentence. "Yes what if this is why he keeps adopting kids, for his chop shop. I saw the price list in the infirmary" Betty tells us. "Infirmary, Toni is there now to get her procedure, if there is any chance you are right" she says standing up. "Go to her I'll get Kev and Fangs" Betty says running off. "Fuck" I mutter before grabbing Ollie and running to Alice's room. I knock loudly on the door and wait for her to open it. "Octavia what's wrong honey are ok?" She asks me worriedly. "I need you to take him for a bit I just found something out and I need to help Cheryl" I tell her handing her Ollie before I run off. I get to the infirmary and see them running. I run after them and other farmies run after me. I get to the basement and see Toni running while Cheryl closes a window. I grab Cheryl and whisper "scream and kick and fight put up a struggle, trust me ok and don't tell anyone I'm helping you" she listens and starts kicking and fighting me. "Help I'm being attacked" I yell as the others come. I watch as they drag Cheryl away. I run back upstairs and run into Kevin and Fangs "have you two seen Betty?" I ask. "Yeah she was against Edgars treatment so they took her away" Kevin says. "They what. You just let them take her, she is your best friend Kev" I yell at him. "She was a detractor, we're ascending tonight I suggest you go get ready" he tells me. "God damnit Kev how brainwashed are you" I whisper to myself as I walk towards Alice's room. "Thank you for watching him" I say grabbing him and leaving.

I'm sitting in my room when Alice comes in with Juniper. "What what's wrong?" I ask her. "Grab Ollie you and Cheryl are leaving with the babies" she tells me. "What no, I" "Octavia you promised that as soon as Charles or I said it was too dangerous you would leave, get Cheryl out of here" she tells me. I change into my normal clothes including the serpent jacket that I've missed and grab my diaper bag before picking up my sleeping son.

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