Chapter 26-The great escape

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Octavia POV
I slowly get more distanced from Sweet Pea, I don't want to but he still doesn't know I'm involved with the farm and he definitely doesn't know I'm working for the FBI. I still haven't found out anything from Evelyn, just snippets of information that they could've found out if they wanted to.

"Octavia we need your help" Veronica says walking up to me at school. "Sure with what?" I ask her. "We are breaking Archie out of prison" she whispers to me. "I'm in, what's the plan?"  We decide that I would be with Veronica and Reggie, pretending to watch the fight. I quickly put on a long dark green dress and a bunch of makeup to slightly hide my identity. I leave Ollie with my uncle and wait for Reggie and Veronica to pick me up.

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We drive to the place where the fights take place

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We drive to the place where the fights take place. Veronica is wearing a blonde wig and Reggie has sunglasses on. We go to walk inside but are stopped by a guard. "Password" he asks "contra" Reggie answers confidently. "Nice try" the guard says unamused. "That's what it was last time" Veronica says. "Changes every time, what are your names" he asks us. I scoff "What's my name? What's your name?" "I'm Monica Norton, perhaps your familiar with Warden Norton" Veronica says pulling off her sunglasses. "Oh of course" he says nervously. "Good we understand each other then, my business partners and I are here for a show. We want to see blood, the fighters blood, yours. I'm not picky, as long as it's red and there's a lot of it" I tell him in a low voice. "Sorry for the delay miss" he says letting us by. "That was awesome" Veronica whispers to me as we walk inside.

"I think it's starting" Veronica says as we look down in the ring. A guard is dragging someone on to the mat with a bag over his head. "That's Archie and he's hurt" I say noticing how he's holding his side. We watch as Archie tries to fight the other boy. It looks like they are talking in between taking swings at each other. "Care for a drink?" Josie asks as she walks over to us disguised as a server. "I just overheard some guards betting heavily against Archie. They say he's going down." She whispers to us. "That guys huge I'm not sure Archie's got long" Reggie says not taking his eyes off of the ring. "Ok. Get in position wait for the signal" I tell Josie as we each grab one of the sodas that we made in the science lab this morning. She nods and all four of us walk separate ways.  I'm walking with Veronica when we both stop suddenly Hiram Lodge is standing in front of us. "Shit" I whisper to her. We turn around to leave but he grabs both of us and pulls us to face him "Veronica what are you two doing here?" He asks her. His grip on my arm is tight "I could ask you the same daddy, but I bet my answer is better than yours" she says, I yank my arm out of his grip. "What ever scheme you helped her cook up ends right now" he says turning to me, "Sorry daddykins but this is going to hurt you a lot more than it will me" Veronica whispers. She knees him in the stomach and we walk away from him, getting in position. Veronica gives them the signal and we all shake the cans before opening them. We throw our homemade smoke bombs into the pit and within seconds  fog covers the room. We all run out of the room as Archie slips out.

Kevin and Betty speed off on Jughead's motorcycle to distract the guards while the rest of us get Archie away. Me and Veronica drag him to where Reggie was waiting with his car. We duck down as the guards pass us. We help Archie in the car and drive off. I l take him to Dilton's secret bunker in the woods while the others make sure we weren't caught and go back to cover our tracks.

"Fuck" I whisper when Archie falls down the steps to the bunker. Jughead runs to help Archie up and I jump to to bottom. Fangs, Sweet Pea, Cheryl, and Toni were also there. "Is there a first aid kit in here?" I ask looking around, Cheryl nods and  hands it to me. I pull up Archie's shirt but the stab is too deep and needs stitches. "Damn it" I yell grabbing my phone. "Betty do you think Dr. Curdle Jr would help us" I ask her as soon as she picks up, she says yes and takes Archie over there to get stitches.

I sink down on the bed in the bunker. "So you're playing G&G" I say to Sweet Pea. "Yeah, so you broke your cousin out of jail" he says to me. I nod and we talk some more before we all leave.

"Archie is a murderer and we know he had help. He didn't escape alone. Hiding a convict or holding information from the law is a felony offense. So whoever has aided and abetted Archie Andrews is just as much a criminal as he is." The sheriff says as he paces back and forth. I try to look straight ahead and not at the other people who helped him escape, most of them being in this room. "I was busy all day sheriff. You can check my browser history, if you know what I mean" Reggie says causing a few people to laugh. "Where were you  yesterday" he asks Josie. "Uh um don't look at me I was at the music room. Practicing" she stutters "alone?" The sheriff asks she nods. "And you miss Andrews, where were you when your cousin escaped" he asks turning to me. "I was at home with my son, who was crying all afternoon because he is still teething" I tell him. I already told my uncle to tell them that if they ask. As I finish saying this Ollie starts to cry, I pick him up and rock him back and forth to soothe him. "I will be looking into all of your alibis" the sheriff says before turning back to me "and if I find out anyone is lying they can say goodbye and to this school, to their home, to their child" my breathing gets heavy and my vision goes blurry. Cheryl yells for him to back off as I try to put Ollie down, before I can both of us hit the floor with a thud as I continue to have a seizure.

Word count: 1132

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