Chapter 7- a serpent

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Octavia POV
"Are you ok?" I turn around and see Toni in the door way Ollie still in her arms. I sigh "yeah just pissed off" I answer standing up and taking my son from her. "Well Jughead is about to become a serpent if you wanna watch." She turns to me with a smile. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I say as we walk out the trailer.

Apparently the initiation is getting punched by 15 serpents. To show that you would do anything for them. Jug does pretty good for the first few but he starts to stumble and it looks like he might pass out. He makes it all the way to the end. "That all you got?" He asks Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea smirks before punching him in the face with brass knuckles. Juggie falls to the ground and stays there. After a minute he gets up unsteady on his feet. He shakes Sweet Pea's hand and then Toni gives him his jacket.

Everyone leaves except Toni who was giving Jug his serpent tattoo. I go inside and put Ollie to bed after feeding him. I go back outside the trailer to see Toni and Jughead kissing. "Get a room" I laugh they break apart and Toni is blushing. I roll my eyes at them.

It's the next day Uncle Fred picked me up from Jughead's last night. I get up and me and Ollie get dressed. I put on ripped black jeans, a black crop top and black combat boots. I also put on some black lipstick and mascara. I put Ollie in a onesie that says 'O is for Oliver' along with some grey pants and a grey hat. Ollie starts fussing so I give him a binki.

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I walk down stairs with my back pack when my uncle stops me

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I walk down stairs with my back pack when my uncle stops me. Apparently we have to go to the Cooper's house to talk about the jingle jangle at the party two days ago. Great, just great.

Everyone was sitting in Betty's living room. "Riverdale's best and brightest huh." Alice says. "Alice, thank you for hosting" mayor Mcoy says. "Of course Mayor. When I heard what happened at Nick's party I decided that we should come together to deal with this group of liars and dope fiends, except for my Betty who left before everyone got high and out of control" Alice says smiling sown at her daughter. "Please mom don't" Betty said looking embarrassed. Ollie was still fussing so I grabbed the nursing cover out of my back pack and started feeding him. Usually I wouldn't bother with a cover but I'm too anxious to nurse in front of everyone in the room seeing as I only know a few. I tone out the conversation for a minute as a try to get Ollie to calm down. "Well at least I'm not raising a 14 year old teen mom who does drugs and acts like a southsider, Fred" Everyone looks at me, I look up at Alice oh she did not. "One I did not drink a drop or do jingle jangle at that stupid party and two yes I'm a teen mom, but you don't know anything about me and frankly you can't judge me for it either, unless you forgot about your high school dropout daughter pregnant with her cousins babies." I shot back. No one said anything Alice huffed and sat down with her arms crossed. "Well I for one would like to know who brought the drugs to the party" Veronica's mom asked. Reggie slowly raised his hand. "Not a single word out of you until we have a lawyer." Mrs Mantle told her son. "All we need to know is how he acquired it" "some dealer on the southside" "oh my god you have a dealer!" "Once again Mayor the southside is the cause of all our problems" "was he a serpent does he go to southside high". "Of course you automatically assume it's a serpent. You know serpents don't deal drugs, goulies are the main dealers in Riverdale" I snap. "Yeah not all serpents deal drugs" Archie says trying to help me. "Not helping Arch" Uncle Fred says. "Look we shouldn't have taken the JJ but Nick is the one who asked Reggie to get it. He's the one who pushed it on us. He should be in the hot seat not us" Veronica chimed in. "I mean he's the one who tried to assault Octavia and Cheryl" "you fucking told her Archie" I scream. "Wait what the hell happened at that party" Uncle Fred says looking at us. I pick Ollie up and burp him looking at my lap. "Prosecuting Nick would be hard seeing as all witnesses were high" I scoff  "how may times do I have to say it I was completely sober. How irresponsible do you think I am I have a kid for gods sake" I say annoyed. "Pretty irresponsible if you got knocked up at 14" Reggie says. Everyone stops talking and looks at him. I quickly hand Oliver to Veronica walk up to him and punch him straight in the face. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "What Mantle you want another" I yell. His dad grabs me and tries to push me away but my uncle got in between us and had me sit back down. Oliver was fussing again so I took him back and rocked him in my arms.  Mayor McCoy stood up "starting from now on controlling the southside is my main priority, even if it means arresting every single serpent at that high school, so be it". Everyone started to leave. Archie looks at me and I nod.

We run through southside high looking for Jughead or Toni. We spot Juggie on his phone and run towards him "Jug! Jug we gotta get out of here." Archie said grabbing Jughead by the jacket. "What the hell are you doing here. Come to throw some salt in the wound" he asks annoyed. "We don't have time for this where is Toni"  I ask. " down the hall why?" I hand Oliver to him and run down the hall. Toni is getting something from her locker when she notices me. "Octavia what are you doing here?" She asks looking confused. Before I can answer the doors open and the mayor comes in with a bunch of police officers and police dogs. " come on Toni we have to get out of here" I say pulling on her arm. We both run for the exit when we get pushed against the lockers and cuffed. I see Jughead run towards to me but he still has Oliver. I mouth for him to leave and Archie pulls him out the door. I can see Jug looking out the window at us. Toni looks over at me terrified I'm guessing I probably have a similar expression. We get pulled into the back of a police car. We get to the station and are put into a holding cell along with Sweet Pea, Fangs and some other serpents.

Word count: 1186

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