Chapter 33

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Octavia POV
Because of Jughead's mom, we are now stuck with the gargoyles and they're trying to take over the serpents. I'm sitting at a desk for a serpent meeting when Toni comes running in. "Jughead you need to come right now" she's says. "What Toni?" He asks slightly annoyed. "Kurtz is about to kill Fangs and Ollie" she says. I run.

Two gargoyles are holding Fangs upside down over the staircase, a crying Ollie is squirming in his arms. "Guys guys help" he says. "Don't be scared you dirty serpent spy" Kurtz whispers. "Octavia catch him" Fangs says. I walk under him and catch Ollie as he drops him. "It's ok baby, you're ok" I whisper to my crying toddler. "Your about to ascend and you'll fly too" Kurtz tells Fangs. "Kurtz... don't" Jughead tells him. They let go of his legs. Sweet Pea and Jughead run forward and catch him, all three of them land painfully on the ground. "Are you ok?" I ask Fangs helping him up. He nods.

"Kurtz boasted that the serpents need him for than he needs us" Jug says as we all sit in an empty classroom. "I disagree, but one thing is true. The serpents are rudderless. We lack identity and focus. We're better and stronger when we're task focused. That's why with the help of my father, we've come up with a plan. To deputize the serpents, to become partners with the Riverdale Sheriff's office" "you'll work for me, help me with investigations, be my eyes and ears. In return you'll get paid and receive school credits" FP tells us. So now I'm working for the FBI and the Sheriff as well as my job at pops and going to school, let's see how long this lasts. "Let's put it to a vote, if it's not unanimous well the door is open" everyone except Kurtz raises there hand. He storms out the door. Finally. "Sweet, do we get to carry guns?" Sweet Pea asks. "No" "absolutely not" Jughead and FP said as I say "I already do". "You what?" Jughead asks walking over to me. "I have a permit, I don't take it to school, it always has a saftey on, and I keep it locked in a safe when I'm not using it. How have you not realized I've literally pulled it out in front of you" I tell him. This seems to calm him down.

"Hey Kev, can I talk to you?" I ask as I walk up to his locker. "Look if Betty sent you to tell me joining the farm is a bad idea then I don't want to hear it" he tells me slamming his locker shut. "No she didn't send me to tell you anything. I just wanted to tell you that I also joined the farm so I thought if you needed someone to talk to you could talk to me" I tell him. "Oh cool, does Betty know that you are in the farm?" He asks me. "No I'm keeping it kind of private you know. I just don't want people to judge me for it" I lie. "I get it, don't worry Octavia your secret is safe with me" he says smiling. "Thank you Kev" I say before walking to class.

"Wait so your mom bought Betty's house from her mom?" I ask Jughead. "Yeah" he answers. "Well that's suspicious" "Come on let's get this over with". We walk into a room to see a few teens playing G&G. "You can't be in here" the game master tells us. "Sheath you're sword game master we need to ask you some questions" Jug says. "Yeah uh sorry to interrupt your um game" Betty adds awkwardly. "Do you recognize this" I say holding up a kill the red paladin card. "Yes that quest is in play here" he tells us eyeing Archie. "Well take your shot then" Arch tells him. "Who gave you the card" I ask. "The king" "the gargoyle king came here?" Betty asks him. "One of his disciples delivered it here" "well why hasn't the person who has the card acted on it" I ask annoyed. "The one who has the card will act at some point, he is not yet prepared for such a quest" the game master tells us. "Sooner or later they'll come for you red paladin"

"I have an addition to the quest from the gargoyle king" I say as I walk into the abandoned building with a gargoyle mask on. "What quest?" The game master asks me. "Killing the red paladin" I say handing him the paper. "Oh and who is the one trying to bring back fizzle rocks?" I ask him. "It's rumored that Gladys Jones is trying to restart the candy business" one of the players tells me. "Thank you, and spread the word, make sure anyone with the card sees this paper" I tell them as I walk out.

"Jug" I say as I walk into the old boxing gym. "Yeah" he says turning to me "I asked and Betty's source was right it is your mom that's restarting the drug business" I tell him. He nods and we wait for everyone to get here. A bunch of people came, some to fight Archie and some to watch. One by one Archie knocked them out before the three minutes was up. Finally there was only one more guy. Him and Archie fought for what seemed like forever, until Archie punched him in the face and he fell unconscious.

"Hey your just in time I'm making your dads favorite" Gladys says as me and Jug walk in the trailer. "We need to talk. I've been hearing rumors that you didn't move to town to get the family back together" he says to her. "But instead you are the one taking over Hiram Lodge's drug trade" I say "you know, I never was one for small town gossip" she answers. I walk over to Jughead's room where Jellybean is with Ollie. "Thank you for babysitting him for the day" I say handing her $50. "No problem he's really cute" she says as I pick him up. I can still hear Jug talking to his mom. I walk back out and listen to the conversation.

"Hey Jug" I say as I walk into the speakeasy where FP's birthday party is being held. "Hey Octavia" he says taking Ollie from me. "So I'm guessing you want me to keep quiet about what I heard" I ask him. "For now yeah, at least until I come up with a plan" he tells me. "Great" I say before walking over to FP "Happy Birthday" I say hugging him. "Thanks kiddo" he says hugging me back. Gladys looks me straight in the eye and I shake my head slightly, letting her now I wouldn't tell FP what I heard. Jughead goes up to give a speech still holding Ollie. "It's no secret that the Jones men don't really like birthday parties" Jughead starts. Ollie starts poking Jug in the face and being the annoying 18 month old that he is. "You know I remember when you made me promise to never stop writing no matter what. And I haven't, I've written every day. But I could punch keys at pops for the rest of my life and never come up with a story as good as yours." Jug says. Ollie starts babbling and pointing at the ground so Jug puts him off of the stage and he starts running to me. I see Gladys kick her purse in front of her. Right into the path of my son. Ollie trips over it, but before he can fall I put my foot out and he ends up landing/grabbing onto my foot for support instead of falling face first into the ground. Everyone looks at us as I pick him up off the ground and try to calm him down. Jughead stops talking but I shake my head and mouth "keep talking" at him. He continues his speech as I head behind the bar. "Hey buddy your ok" I say rocking him back and forth slightly. "Want me to get him a milkshake from upstairs?" Veronica asks me. "Yeah that would be great thanks" I tell her and she runs off. Usually I wouldn't let him have that much sugar, but if it stops him from screaming and makes him happy I don't really mind if he has a milkshake this one time. Veronica comes back with a kids size to go cup and hands it to him. "Here's to 50 dad, and to 50 more" Jug ends his speech and gets off the stage as everyone claps. "Is he ok?" FP asks me as he and Jug walk over. "Yeah I think he was just scared more than anything else" I tell him. "Plus you got a milkshake so you must be pretty happy, huh little man" Juggie says tickling his stomach causing him to giggle.

"Nice speech Jug" Betty says as we sit off from the rest of the party. "Thanks and most of it was true" he tells us. "What are you gonna do now?" She asks as we turn to look at Gladys, FP, and Jellybean. "Save Jellybean, protect my dad, and run my mom out of town, do you two want to help?" He asks us, I smirk. "She kicked her purse in front of Ollie on purpose, if she thinks that will make sure I keep my mouth shut, she's clearly never met a protective mother" I tell them. "Or a protective uncle" Jug says glaring at his mother.

Word count: 1618

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