Chapter 24- first birthday

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Octavia POV
Nothing has happened in the week after Archie's arrest, except this game called griffins and gargoyles. Two boys died from it, Jughead and Betty are trying to figure out what it is. Today is Oliver's first birthday and Archie is sitting in a prison cell. Ollie's birthday party is pretty small just me, Veronica, Betty, Jughead, Fangs, Sweet Pea, and Toni.

I wake up and there is a blue gift bag on my desk the tag says to Ollie. I pick him up and give him the bag showing him how to open it. While he tries to get the stuff out I read the card that it came with

Dear Octavia and Ollie, 
If you're reading this note then that means I'm in jail. I bought this gift ahead of time in case I missed his birthday. I'm sorry I can't be there but it's been amazing to see Ollie grow up over the past year and I'm glad I was able to see him take his first steps. Happy birthday little man.
                                           -love Archie
I look in the bag and there is a few outfits, some books, and a stuffed elephant. "Hey buddy today's your birthday and you're gonna eat cake and open presents how does that sound?" I ask him as I go through the closet to get us both an outfit. I give Ollie a bath and get him dressed. After we are both ready we go downstairs to make breakfast, I give him some pancake to try but he likes his baby food better.

After a while everyone is here and we do cake. Ollie has his own little smash cake and then there's a bunch of cupcakes.

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It's almost 8 pm and everyone has left

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It's almost 8 pm and everyone has left. Ollie got a bunch of clothes and toys for his birthday and is now passed out in a sugar coma.

I get up and get ready for school. Putting my combat boots on and grabbing my serpent jacket before leaving. Veronica offered to drive me and Ollie to school everyday since I can't drive yet.

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I thank Veronica for the ride and go to class, there is a new girl sitting next to me, I had noticed her around school a few times

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I thank Veronica for the ride and go to class, there is a new girl sitting next to me, I had noticed her around school a few times. "Hi I'm Evelyn Evernever" she says offering me her hand. "I'm Octavia, your from the farm right?" I ask shaking her hand. "Yes you've heard of us, maybe someday you could meet some of the other people there. Your baby is so cute by the way" she says. "Thanks" I mumble turning back to the teacher and taking out my notes. Evelyn keeps talking to me about the farm for the rest of the class. I don't really pay attention just nod my head here and there.

"Hi" I say as I meet Sweet Pea at his locker. "Hey how are you" he asks pecking my lips. "I'm good come on we have class" I tell him and we walk to class. I spend the rest of the day going to classes and Evelyn is in two more of them. Weirdly all the classes I have with her are the ones that I don't know anyone else.

After school I have work at pops. Ollie usually sleeps in his car seat in the back while I work. Veronica says it's fine as long as he isn't getting into stuff. After my shift I sit down with Betty and Veronica. We talk about the speakeasy in the basement that Veronica is reopening. It's ready to open but she wants to wait for Archie so he can be there when she opens. Me and Betty try to convince her that Archie wouldn't want her to put her life on hold for him. After a while Veronica has to get back to work so  me and Betty go to her house to do homework and talk about the game.

"Wait so Dilton had a secret underground bunker?" I ask. "Yeah and he was playing griffins and gargoyles in it. And the gargoyle king is out to get Ethel or something" Betty explains. I stare at my math note book confused on what we're supposed to be studying for the test. "So have you met Evelyn Evernever yet" Betty asks as I close my note book. "Yeah she is kind of weird" I admit. "Yeah and she came here  this summer the same time that stupid game first showed up. She says and I understand where she's going "you think the two are connected, that's a possibility" I tell her. We ignore our homework and try to figure out if the farm and the game are connected.  After talking for a while I head home. I call Sweet Pea and we talk over the phone for a while. By the time I go to sleep it's after one in the morning.

I wake up and get ready but instead of going to school I head to the doctors. Ollie has his physical and his shots today so I'm going to be late to school. It's been almost two weeks since Archie was arrested and it doesn't look like he's getting out anytime soon. I grab my diaper bag and walk to the doctor's office with Ollie. He cries after getting his shots and it takes a while to calm him down. I finally walk back home and grab my backpack when I realize I don't have my math notebook that I need for my open notes test later today. I must have left it at Betty's house last week. I walk next door and the door is unlocked so I just walk in. I stop when I hear voices "We need to figure out more about the daughter Evelyn if this investigation on the farm is gonna go anywhere"

Word count: 974

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