Chapter 18- southside high

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Octavia POV
I don't pay much attention to Jughead talking about saving southside high, I've already had this conversation with him about a hundred times. He thinks there going after the wyrm next, he thinks they're trying to destroy the southside. Let's just say Jughead is hungry. He's been grumpy the whole time he's been on the hunger strike. By now I don't know how much longer he can last before he will cave and get something to eat. So Jughead being the genius he is decided to chain himself to southside high, and somehow he convinced the other teenage serpents to do it too.

"Oh god" I whisper to Sweet Pea when I see Archie on his bike. I'm not chained to the school like the rest of them but I said I'd come by for a few hours. "Well. Well. Well the cavilary has finally arrived. Guess that means we finally got Hirams attention" Jughead says looking at Archie. "Are you nuts. Chaining yourself to this place when you know there going to tear it down in two days dude." Archie says in disbelief. Jug scoffs "not unless Hiram wants the blood of eight young serpents on his hands. We aren't going anywhere. Go tell your boss we said that." Archie looks at me as if telling me to come with him, I shake my head slightly and he walks away.

"Are you sure you aren't going to get arrested for trespassing without a permit or something?" Betty asks. It was the next morning and I had come again, this time Betty heard and decided she would come to support Jughead. "That's the beauty of all of this Betty. To see if Sheriff Keller and his goons will come and try to manhandle a bunch of teens." I get bored of there conversation so I walk over to Toni, Sweets, and Fangs. "So how was your night chained to a closed down school?" I ask. "Fucking cold" Pea says grabbing Ollie from me. "Hey dong swear there are children here" Toni says reaching up and covering Fangs ears. "Don't repeat the words he says, ok Fangsy" Toni says in a baby voice, me and her both burst out laughing while the boys just look at us like we are crazy. We talk for a few hours before Betty gets me and we leave. "So how long do you think they will stay there" she asks me as we drive back to her house. "I think they will stay there until Hiram finds a way to get them out. There's no way he will just give up." I answer. "Yeah" she sighs. "So how's your brother, Chic?" I ask. "Creepy, I swear he's hiding something. Sometimes I question if he's even my brother." She admits. "Yeah maybe they told you the wrong kid, there was definitely something off with him when I met him and Polly, and I mean he did hit a man in the head with a lamp and then let you and your mom clean up the mess" She pulls up to her driveway and I thank her for the ride and walk over to my house.

"Last man standing. What happened to no serpent left behind." FP says as he walks over with a bag of pops. It was just me and him, the others left to get coffee and Sweets took Ollie because it was getting cold. "They were claimed by frostbite. They'll be back after they get some coffee and warm up." Jug says. "To bad I got a dozen burgers. Guess they are all yours now." He says throwing the bag to us. Jughead hesitates "oh come on Juggie we won't tell anyone that you broke your hunger strike. You haven't eaten all week, eat the fucking burgers" I say raising my voice. "Ok mom" he says rolling his eyes at me and grabbing a burger. He ends up eating like six. The others come back and I take Ollie and leave not wanting him to get cold.

Jughead had finally gotten the crowd he wanted, people are chanting ad holding up signs. Keller says something into his radio and Archie and the wrestling team come over with bolt cutters. "well we knew something like this would happen at some point" I say to Toni. "cops may let you by red, but if you come in here acting like a big man I will knock you down" FP says to my idiot of a cousin. "Dad don't they will throw you in jail don't give them an excuse" Jug says pulling FP back. "I'm sorry Jughead" Archie says, yeah sure he is. "Me too, I'm not going to fight you Archie" he answers. "look around" I say, people had their phones out and were recording and taking pictures. "It might have taken a few days but people know what Hiram is doing, what's happening right here. This fight isn't going to end. The serpents are not going to just go away." I say as Jug steps forward "So go on, cut us down. I want them to see you do it" he says holding his hands out. Archie steps up and cuts the chains that wrap around his arms, they fall to the ground with a clatter. The rest of the wrestling team fallow his lead, cutting the chains off of the serpents and pushing them away from the school. One guy grabs my arm and tries to get me to move, but I push him off of me and walk over to the others "you are an asshole, by the way" I say bumping harshly into his shoulder as I walk by. He grabs me by the waist to turn me around but I freak out and grab him flipping him over my shoulder. He lands on the ground with a painful gasp "Fuck you" I say walking away. "that was cool" Toni says as I walk towards them, I roll my eyes and take Ollie from Fangs. 

Word count: 1010 

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