Chapter 15- swords and serpents

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Octavia POV
"Welcome to the first meeting of the swords and serpents club." Jughead says as we all sit in an unused classroom. "Which is what exactly" Toni asks. "Well like I told Fogarty to lure him back to good old Riverdale, we are a gaming group. Where like minded students can meet and concoct world building, role playing scenarios." Jug finishes. "No but really" Toni scoffs. "It's a club, for us. Somewhere we can still be serpents during the school day." He says leaning forward. "We aren't shedding our skin" "we're lying low in the tall grass" I finish. Everyone decides this is a great idea as long as no non-serpents try to join, which I don't think will be a problem.

"Basketball really Pea" I say as we walk to the gym. "What you don't I can make the team?" He asks me. "No I think you can, I mean you definitely have the height for it, I have to go meet Toni at pops" I say kissing his cheek.

"So Pickens day is a total lie? Tell me why that doesn't surprise me." I ask taking a sip of my chocolate milkshake. "Yeah I never knew why my grandpa hated it so much until now" she says stealing one of my fries. "Hey. So what are we going to do" I ask taking some of her food. "What makes you think we're going to do something" she says sarcastically. "Come on. I know you Topaz. What's the plan. I have to go with my uncle and cousin but it won't be too hard to sneak away from them." I say, she smirks and we start to make a plan.

I spot Veronica's dad walking towards us. "I was surprised Archie on your victory over Clayton" he says shaking Archie's hand. "Thank you sir. Are we done Mr. Lodge?" Archie asks what the hell are they talking about. "Come to the Pembrook later tonight. We should talk about some things. It was nice to see you again Octavia" he says turning to me. "Good to see you too mr. Lodge" I say back with gritted teeth, god I hate that man.

"Hello Riverdale, happy Pickens day!" I walk behind a building where Toni is waiting for me. "Hi, sorry I ran into Mr. Lodge and couldn't slip away" I say handing Ollie to her so I can put on my serpents jacket and cover my mouth with a piece of tape. "It's fine here take him" she says handing me my son back and grabbing a megaphone. We walk to where the rest of the serpents are waiting and I walk in front of Sweet Pea and Fangs, who are both holding signs. I'm in the front next to Jughead, Toni is right in front of us and is the only one not wearing duct tape over her mouth.

We walk out in the crowd and I can see Cheryl walk away from her mother and with us. We stop in front of the stage where Veronica and the pussy cats are singing. "Toni, Jughead, Octavia? What the hell is going on" Veronica says as she stops singing. "We are here representing the dead and the silenced" Toni says into her megaphone "Pickens day is a lie. General Pickens slaughtered the Uktena tribe, my grandfathers family. And this land. The land that we are all standing on right now, the land that will soon give way to a new southside, was stolen from them. We can't bring them back, but we can and we must honor them" Toni finishes. Hiram walks up to the microphone, this isn't going to be good. "Hey folks, hi, uh. I think we can all be very proud to live in a Riverdale, where a young lady like this one can honor her grandfathers legacy. It is very important for today's youth to have a voice." He says and everyone starts to clap. I rip the tape off my mouth and shout "Bullshit" Everyone is silent and Hiram slowly looks over to me. "Well maybe we shouldn't let the youth have a voice after all. Especially young girls who think they can do whatever they want just because they got knocked up before finishing high school" he says glaring at me. I go to walk up on the stage only to be held back by Fangs "go fuck yourself, you asshole" I scream at Hiram. Sweet Pea takes Ollie from me and Fangs loosens his grip on me. "You never let me punch people when I want to punch them" I say as I finally stop struggling. "Some day you will thank me for helping you not get arrested" he says letting me go. We decide to go to pops and Toni comes along.

"I can't believe you told him to fuck himself. You're going to be all the town is talking about for weeks" Toni says as we get our food. "Eh I'm more worried about how mad my uncle is going to be if I ended up ruining whatever business he had with Hiram" I say bouncing Ollie up and down in my arms making him giggle. "Yeah well blame Lodge he was the one who said that knowing it would get you even more riled up than you already were" Fangs answers. " Well that whole day was a total fail." I say flopping back in my seat. "You can say that again" Sweets says. "Well that whole day was a total fail" I say again, this time sarcastically. "Cute" Pea says rolling his eyes. I throw a french fry in his mouth and we all laugh.

Word count: 950

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