Chapter 9- it's finally over

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Octavia POV
I burst into Jughead's trailer with Ollie in my arms. I had to wait until after school to talk to him. Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs were alredy there.

Sweet Pea POV
Octavia runs into Jughead's trailer holding her son. "I need to talk to you" she says to Jones. "In a little bit O, I'm kinda busy." Jones says not looking at her. "Please Jug, it's really impor-" I cut her off "I'm sure you can gossip with Jones about your baby daddy later" I say in a monotone. Jughead glares at me.  "Funny enough that's exactly what I need to talk to him about, seeing as he called me this morning." She says staring at him. His eyes go wide at her words and grabs her arm basically dragging her out off the room. We hear a door close and muffled voices. "Wonder what that's about" Fangs says looking at me, I shrug my shoulders. We look over to Topaz who is slowly bringing her hand to her mouth like she figured something out. "What. What did you figure out" Fangs says staring at her. She shakes her head "I don't even know if I'm right and if I am it's not my business to tell anyone. I really hope I'm wrong." She says worriedly. Fangs and I look at each other knowing it's no use trying to get answer out of her.

Octavia POV
Jug pulls me into his room and closes the door. "What do you mean Steve called you?" Whisper screams at me. "He called me early this morning he is in Riverdale Jug. He knows that I'm staying with Uncle Fred. God I never should of come here." I say running my hands through my hair. "What do you mean? Of course you had to tell me." Jug says confused. "No I shouldn't have even come to Riverdale in the first place. I should have gone somewhere he would never find me. A year ago it was just me so whatever I could deal with the beatings. But I can't let him hurt Ollie" I say as I try not to cry. "Hey. Hey it'll be ok I won't let him hurt either of you." He says pulling me into a hug. I nod and we stay like that for a few minutes. "What am I gonna do Jughead?" I mumble into his shoulder. "I don't know, but if gets anywhere near you we call Sheriff Keller ok?" I nod and we brake apart. I say bye to the serpents and go home.

Juggie 🐍
Want to come to the whyte wyrm with me I have an announcement to make

Octavia 🖤
Sure pick me up in 15

Juggie 🐍
Ok see you soon.

I ask Archie to watch Ollie for me and then I get dressed.

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