Chapter 17- slumber party

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Octavia POV
"Come on join the vixens with me" Toni practically begs. "Fine. But I'm taking Ollie to practices it's his nap time anyway" I finally cave. "Yay" Toni squeals and I roll my eyes as we walk to class. It had been almost two months since the Penny  situation and nothing major has happened other than Betty's killed a man, not that I'm supposed to know. I walked in on Betty and Jughead talking about it and they made me promise not to tell anyone. I've been helping Jug try to figure out what Hiram's big plan for Riverdale is. This meant  spying on Archie and trying to get him to tell me what is going to happen. So far I haven't found any information that's worth wild. Hiram bought the trailer park as a gesture of peace but we know he has something else up his sleeve.

"Polly what are you doing home" Betty asks dropping her bag to hug her sister. I had come over to do homework with Betty and talk about cheerleading. "She just walked in the door with these perfect little babies." Mrs. Cooper says. Betty's brother Chic looked at me creepily he was holding one of the twins. "Hi, I'm Octavia" I say to Polly "yeah I remember you from when we were kids." She says I smile and adjust Oliver on my hip "you two have to hold them" Mrs. Cooper says. "Do you mind I know how annoying it can be when someone just picks them up" I ask Polly "Go ahead" she says I smile and pick up the boy from Chic. "Damn. I don't think I would be able to handle two at once" I laugh as I try to hold them both comfortably at the same time. "I could hold him if you want" Chic says pointing at Ollie. "I'm fine thanks" I say coolly I still don't trust people with my baby especially people who've never had kids. "What's your boys name?" "Ollie" I answer Polly's question we talk god a few more minutes before I hand her baby back to her and we do homework.

Me and Toni finish our routine as everyone claps. "Well I doubt any of you amateurs are going to top that so practice dismissed. Inner circle and new recruits stay back." Cheryl says and everyone leaves. There's only a few of us left me, Toni, Cheryl, B, V, and Josie. "So in honor of Octavia and Toni joining our squad I think we should celebrate with a mandatory slumber party at thistle house. Dinner at 8:00. Parlor games to fallow." Cheryl says with a smile before walking away. "You going?" Toni asks me as we walk out of the girls locker room. "Yeah I'll just ask Sweet Pea if he will watch Ollie for the night, my uncle is busy trying to become mayor." I say swinging the diaper bag onto my shoulder. She nods and we continue to talk about the sleep over that night.

We all sit in a line brushing each other's hair when Cheryl speaks up "inner circle, cousin Betty. I didn't just bring you here for a girlish slumber party. The truth is I'm terrified of being alone here. There is a stranger in this house." Cheryl admits. "Wait I'm confused is this a joke" Toni asks, I shrug my shoulders. "All to real TT. I fear that they are plotting against me and nana Rose. I don't eat for fear of being poisoned." Cheryl says. "Cheryl are you sure your not imagining things" Josie asks softly. "Well if she is so am I. There's a stranger in my house too. Lurking behind every door, it feels...." Betty trailed off. "Dangerous" Cheryl finished for her. We talk for a while longer until Toni looks at her phone and goes "awww" "What" Cheryl asks. "Look what Fangs just sent me" she says I take her phone from her and look at the picture. 


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"Rude. Why does he never send me pictures of my son." I complain as the others look at the picture. After a while we go to sleep.

We wake up to a crash and all run out to see what happened. Cheryl screams at the top of her lungs when she sees her nana on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. We all stand outside as the ambulance takes  her to the hospital. "Cheryl what is it" I ask looking at her face. It was just me and Toni standing with her the others were off to the side. "He's wearing my father's pajamas. Octavia, Toni, I think they pushed my nana down the stairs. And I think I'm next" Cheryl says as a tear runs down her cheek.

"Auntie?" I ask when I see my aunt at the door. "Octavia sweetheart, hi." She says hugging me. The last time I saw her was when I was like seven. "I've missed you" she says pulling away. She hugs Archie and I go upstairs to get dressed before picking Ollie up from Sweet Pea's. I quickly grab my serpents jacket and go to walk out the door. "Where are you going and where is Oliver I was hoping to see him." My aunt asks. "Oh I have to go pick him up, my boyfriend watched him for the night" I say. "Ok and you look nice by the way" she says I thank her and leave.

I walk into the trailer and Fangs is there too

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I walk into the trailer and Fangs is there too. "Hey Fogarty if you're going to take pictures of my kid at least send them to me" I  kiss Sweets on the cheek and picking up Ollie. "Whatever" he says pushing my feet off the couch and sitting down. I put my feet back up, this time on his lap, he rolls his eyes at me and I tell them about what happened last night. We spend the rest of the day talking.

Word count: 1000

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