Chapter 28

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Octavia POV
"Here I found it" I say handing Betty the article on Mr. Doileys death. "Well do you have anything to say for yourself, mom?" Betty asks as we walk into the living room. "You have shaken every tree today Elizabeth. There's nothing left to say" Alice says as she pays attention to whatever is on the stove. "How about the fact that you helped cover up Daryl Doiley's murder?" I ask as Betty slams the article down on the table. "Oh girls when will you stop?" She asks us sighing. "When you stop lying to us mom. He didn't die from carbon monoxide inhalation, he was poisoned. Someone staged it to look like a suicide, someone who was afraid of what he might say" Betty yells. "Thanks to mr Keller there was no murder investigation. You all have a hand in this" I tell her. "Why mom who are you protecting?" Before she can answer the lights go off. We all look around confused. "Stay here I'm going to check the circuit breaker" Alice says walking away from us. "No I'm coming with you" Betty says. "Shit, I'm not staying here alone" I tell them. Someone knocks loudly on the door and I tighten my hold on Ollie. Alice walks to the door "who is it? Who's there?" "Mom" Betty says nervously. Alice opens the door and no one is there "hello" "I really don't like this" I tell Betty. "Betty call 911" Alice says as we all turn around. I try not to scream when I see the gargoyle king standing in the living room. Alice slams the door shut and locks it and we run upstairs. We make to Betty's room and lock the door. On her bed is a grave stone and animal bones. "They were in here" she says. I can't breathe, I stumble back and start to hyperventilated. I fall against the door unable to catch my breath, Ollie is screaming in my arms. Someone is climbing up the window and Alice grabs a lamp. "Woah woah, I was looking for Jughead but someone slammed the door in my face" FP says as he holds his hands up. Betty pulls me up and tries to calm me down, but I can't stay calm when Ollie is screaming and he won't calm dow if I'm not calm. "FP the gargoyle king is in the house" Alice says quickly. "Sh it's ok" he says. He grabs Ollie from me and calms him down while my anxiety attack slowly stops.

"We aren't safe anymore Betty" Alice says as we stand in the kitchen, FP had left. "Tonight was only the beginning of this and it's clear you aren't going to drop this investigation, this house is no longer safe. Which is why I'm going to the farm with Polly and the twins" she explains. "Well have fun because I'm not going there" Betty answers.  "No you aren't, Edgar said that you would resist" "mom what's happening?" Betty asks as two men grab her arms. "You'll be safe there. The sisters will watch over you now" she says as they drag her away. "Mom why are you doing this" Betty sobs. "Because I love you Elizabeth"

"Are you crazy the sisters of quiet mercy?" I ask Alice. "Charles needs me to go live with the farm and Betty needs to be safe, even if it means she hates me." My phone rings and I pick it up "hey Octavia it's Kevin, Archie is taking off and Jughead is meeting him somewhere, they're skipping town together, I wanted you to know" Kevin says through the phone. "Ok thanks for telling me Kev" I say before hanging up. I grab my bag and leave. I put Ollie down to bed and just lay there looking at the ceiling. My cousin is gone and my best friend went with him, and my other friend was dragged off by nuns so her mom can keep her cover as a spy for the FBI. What a wonderful day today was.

Sorry this is so short. I wanted to get another chapter out tonight, but didn't have a lot of time to write.
Word count: 703

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