Chapter 14

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Octavia POV
"Well you two just look adorable." I snort as I see Toni and Pea in there school uniforms. "Where's Fogarty?" I ask realizing Fangs is gone. "He refused to wear the uniform so they suspended him" Pea says. "Seriously, no one else has to wear a stupid uniform." I say as Jughead walks in. "Oh hey guys, what's up" the idiot still has his jacket on. "Take it off. Take off that jacket, rat boy" Reggie says as he and the bulldogs walk up behind Jug. "Oh Reggie, I don't think you know what this jacket means." Jughead says as me and the serpents walk towards them. "Because you have no sense of honor or history or loyalty." Jug says turning around. "That's it" Reggie says as all the boys start fighting. I would jump in but I have Ollie in his baby carrier so he could end up getting hurt. Veronica runs to get Weatherbee and we all get sent to the office.

"You all have a weeks detention for fighting, and Mr Jones I warned you take off that jacket or you're suspended" our oh so lovely principle says. "Jughead please just" "I guess I'm suspended then" Jughead says as he walks out I fallow him and grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Hey that jacket isn't what makes you a serpent ok. Snakes are still snakes when they shed there skin." I say before walking back to the office. I text Archie and ask him if he can watch Ollie while I'm in detention, surprisingly he agrees and tells me to do something after school. Sketchy but if he's offering to babysit past what I needed I'm taking the chance. Detention was boring I did homework and passed notes with Toni when the teacher wasn't looking.

"Hey you wanna hang out" I turn to see Pea walking next to me. "Sure, Archie offered to take Ollie for the night so I won't have a baby attached to my hip." I answer. "Good because as much as I like your kid he can be kind of annoying at times" he says jokingly "asshole" I push him lightly.

"Stop moving" I say as I try to clean the cut on Sweets cheek from the fight. "But it hurts" he whines leaning onto my thighs. I'm currently sitting on his counter with him standing in front of me. It's the easiest way to reach his face seeing as he's at least a foot taller than me. "It wouldn't hurt if you didn't get into a fight" I answer as I turn around to put away the first aid kit. "Octavia" "wha-" I get cut off as Sweet Pea kisses me. I kiss back and run my hands through his hair, he picks me up and carries me to his room. Before anything can go further there's a knock on the door. "Every fucking time" Sweet Pea says getting off of me and walks to the door. I hear Toni's voice and decide to see what she wanted. "Oh my god where you two-" "oh shut up" I say before she can finish. "Whatever do you want to meet at the wyrm" she asks laughing. We agree and she leaves. "Why did she think we were?" Sweets starts to ask me I laugh and fix his hair that was sticking out and all messed up. "Come on dork" I say grabbing my phone and pulling him out of the house. We get on his bike and go to the wyrm.

I now the first part isn't exactly like the show but I didn't want to rewrite it so I just left it. Sorry this is so short.

Word count: 624

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