Chapter 27- midnight club

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Octavia POV
"Ugh" I say as I once again wake up in a hospital room. "What happened?" I ask sitting up and looking at Toni who was sitting next to me holding Ollie. "You had a seizure, caused by stress. You kind of freaked out when Sheriff Menetta was threatening to take Ollie away" she says softly. "Is Ollie ok did he get hurt when I fell?" I ask anxiously. "No he landed on top of you so he didn't directly hit the ground, doctor said he was fine" she says. Fangs and Sweet Pea come in and realize I'm awake. "So what did I miss this time" I ask. "Well Joaquin is dead and Archie and Jughead skipped town" Sweet Pea says. "Great" I say sarcastically. "When can I get out of here I don't like hospitals?" I ask "in a few hours they want to observe you" Sweets says sitting down in the chair next to my bed.  "So is read still in the bunker?" I ask "no he went to shadow lake with Keller to try and find the other kids that were there that night." Fangs tells me. Sweet Pea's phone rings. "Hey dude you saw him ok." He says before hanging up. He kisses my head "me and Fangs have to go call me if anything happens." He says as he leaves. I wait for a few hours until I get discharged. I turn on my phone and realize I have a bunch of missed calls from Charles. I wait for Toni to drop me and Ollie off before I call him back. "Hey why did you call me so many times?" I ask him as I put Ollie down for a nap. "Why were you MIA all day" he asks annoyed. "Chill dude, I had a seizure I was in the hospital" I say. "Oh, well we have a new lead come in tomorrow and I'll tell you about it" he says before hanging up. I sigh and flop down on my bed bored. "Octavia are you up there?" I hear Betty yell. "Yeah what do you need?" I ask. "So do you remember how I told you about the midnight club, well I need your help questioning them, I need to know what they still aren't telling us" she says walking into my room. "Ok give me five minutes to change and can go" I tell her as I grab a change of clothes. I put on black leggings, one of Pea's shirts, and my leather jacket. I grab Ollie making sure I don't wake him and we leave.

We pull up to pops and walk down to the speakeasy. The midnight club were all waiting there nervously. "Elizabeth, don't tell me this is your doing" Alice says as everyone looks at us. "I sent the invitations from the gargoyle king" Betty admits. "What" "and look you all came" "What are you two up to" she asks us. "You know what we are up to, did you honestly think that we wouldn't find out you were still lying. We need to know the truth now" I say adjusting Ollie who is still asleep. "Why are you even here your parents were never apart of the club" Hiram asks me. "Because I'm better at investigating at then Betty is, at least when it comes to telling if someone is lying" I answer with a slight smirk. "Someone in this room is a murderer" Betty says looking at all of them.

"Alice we promised each other that we wouldn't talk about this I mean who else did you tell" Hermione asks. "You do realize that in the real world promises mean nothing" I say bored. "I told Betty to protect her so she wouldn't play the game" she admits pointing at her daughter. "And it worked I haven't played the game, but many of your kids are. This is about protecting them don't you care" Betty says annoyed. "Care, Josie has a seizure this morning, I should be with her. Not talking about this irrelevant game" Sierra says. "Wait she did too, good to know. Betty we should look into what is causing these seizures, because four girls having stress induced seizures in the span of less than a week is really suspicious" I say turning to Betty, she nods her head and we both look back at the parents. "Attorney McCoy this is relevant, Josie is playing the game, along with Kevin and Cheryl" Betty says. "And even you son Reggie is playing, no matter how many black eyes you give him" I add in turning to Mr. Mantle. "I would never hit my son" he says crossing his arms "another lie" I mumble. "Guys it was bound to get out some time, our kids need to know the truth. So girls where do we start" Uncle Fred says. "With the dead warden from Archie's juvie" Betty starts. "He was a teacher at Riverdale high when you guys were playing G&G" I finish. "He ran the RROTC, mr Keller you were a cadet did you ever play it with him" Betty asks turning to him. "The most he did was confiscate a stray manual that's all" he says. "Lodge you had business with Norton until he died, what was it, did you know he was playing the game" I ask Hiram. "None of your business and I had no clue" he answers calmly. We keep asking them questions  but the only answer we get is that Dilton Doiley's dead dad did it. Everyone leaves and me and Betty are still confused on what happened that night.

Word count: 946

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