Chapter 32

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Octavia POV
"You guys are a joke" Jughead's mom says to us. "Jug, if you don't get your house in order, people are going to defect and more gangs are gonna start popping up. The serpents little slice of the pie is going to get smaller and smaller." She tells her son. "Stores open for suggestions got any mom" he asks. "You need numbers, I know for a fact that the ghoulies are up for grabs." "No. No way. We are not siding with the ghoulies or working with them" I tell her. "But you aren't serpent leader so sorry kid but you don't have a say" she tells me. "No mom, Octavia is right, and even if we wanted to recruit them they have joined the gargoyle gang" Jug says. Ollie starts crying so I go to Jughead's room where he was sleeping. "Did you have a good nap buddy, you want to go see Uncle Juggie?" I ask picking him up. "Ug uggie" he says reaching out for Jughead. "I think my child just hates me at this point. He likes pretty much every one else more than he likes me" I joke as Jug picks him up. I get a text from Charles saying he needs me to figure something out from the farm. "Hey Jug would you mind watching him for a few hours I have something I need to take care of?" I ask as I grab my jacket and put it on. "Can't even watch your own kid so your dropping him on mine" Gladys says. I kind of just stare at her unsure how to respond to that. "She's not dropping him on me, I'm babysitting. And she does watch her son but she's a young mom so it's hard. I have no problem watching Ollie seeing as he's my nephew" Jug says coming to my rescue. "He isn't your blood so you aren't his uncle" she says. "Jughead has been his uncle since they first met. Blood doesn't determine a family" I tell her. I kiss Ollie on the head and leave. "Ok what do you need me to do?" I ask Charles over the phone. "I need you to find out how they get rid of mental pain. I know they are doing something but I don't know what. You need to sound desperate to know what it is" he tells me. "I know exactly what to do" I say. I grab my microphone, turn it on and hide it in my boot before walking towards the farm. I start fake crying, making sure my mascara runs all down my face.

"Octavia are you alright?" Evelyn asks as I walk  in what used to be the sisters of quiet mercy. "No, do you think I could talk to your dad?" I ask her. "Yeah of course come on" she says leading me to her fathers new office. "Octavia what can I do for you, you don't look too good" he says. "I just can't do this anymore I need it to stop. I need the pain to stop" I fake sob. "What pain Octavia?" He asks me. "The pain inside my head" I say as I force my voice to break. "We have things to stop mental pain, an operation that takes your mental pain and turns it into physical pain that can be felt and healed" he tells me. What the fuck, an operation. "I've already tried turning mental pain into physical and it didn't work for me" I tell him. "Of course I understand that the same thing won't work for everyone. But what did you do to turn it into physical pain?" He asks. I reluctantly pull up the sleeve to my jacket and show him the scars that still cover my forearm. "Do you have anything else that will take pain away?" I ask as I pretend to sniffle. "Yes we have the baptism, I could preform it in a few minutes I just need you to sign this form" he says handing me a piece of paper I glance over it and sign it, hoping this mother fucker doesn't drown me.

He leads me to a room with a tub of water a few of the women from the farm including Evelyn are there. "Here change into this so your clothes don't get wet" she says handing me a white dress and a pair of white flats. I won't be able to keep the microphone in my shoe with these. I quickly change my outfit and put the microphone in the edge of my bra where my arm will cover it. I walk back out and step into the tub. Edgar pushes my shoulders down until my head is submerged under water. I want to panic but I know I need to keep calm and conserve my energy. After what feels like hours he pulls me back out right as my vision started to go black. I gasp for air for a few seconds. I talk with the women for a few minutes before changing and leaving.

"Charles I think I might know what they are doing" I say as I walk into his office my hair still soaking wet. "Ok but Jesus how long did they keep you under water I thought you were dead" he tells me. "Probably a minute or two I wasn't counting. But anyway you know how he said operations to take away pain?" I ask him. "Yeah I'm still confused by that and no one else in the office has any idea what it could be" he says. "What if they are taking people's organs and selling them or something" I tell him. "Yeah that would actually make a ton of sense, Your a genius" he says looking at something on his computer. "You ever think about becoming a detective or FBI agent your pretty good at it" he tells me. "Never really crossed my mind before this but yeah it seems cool." I say. "Oh and here this will help if you ever get arrested and have your gun on you" he says handing me a permit that allows me to have my gun anywhere. "How do you know I have a gun" I ask curiously.  "I've seen it on you a few times" he tells me. "Thanks, tell me if they actually are selling organs" I say getting up to leave. "Will do, and Octavia is what you said about turning mental pain into physical true?" He asks me. I pause "yeah except it actually does work, that's why it's so addicting" I say before walking out of his office.

It's the next night and I'm sitting in Jughead's trailer watching a movie with him and his sister. Suddenly the door opens and masked gang members walk in. "Gargoyles Jellybean get Ollie and get behind us, Octavia get your gun out" Jug tells us. I grab my gun and turn off the safety pointing it at one of them. Jug has his switch blade and Jellybean is holding both my son and a sling shot. "It's okay kids, stand down" Gladys says as she walks in. The others lower there weapons but I don't. "I said stand down" Gladys tells me. "Sorry but I don't take orders from you" I say. "Octavia it's ok, what the hell is this?" Jughead asks as I put the safety back on my gun put it in the back of my pants and take Ollie from Jellybean. "I did what you couldn't. Take off those stupid masks" she tells them. "You can't decide stuff for the serpents just because your son is the king. You still have to run this shit by him" I tell her. "This. This is a bad idea" Jug says pointing at her. "Sweetheart, sometimes beggars can't be choosers" she tells her son.

Word count: 1318

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