Chapter 31- midnight club plus one

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Octavia POV
I get back from my shift at pops to realize there is a note on my door. I open it up and read it.

Lady Octavia,
Your father was a member of the midnight club, you are his heir so you shall take his place and finish ascension night with the other members once and for all. If you do not comply or if you tell someone your son will pay the price.
Best wishes the gargoyle king.

I stare down at the note before looking for my uncles car it's not here. I look over at Alice's house and there are a bunch of cars including my uncles and FP's in her drive way.

I storm in the house and slam the note down on the table ignoring them questioning me. FP opens the note and reads it out loud. "Best wishes the gargoyle king" he finishes. "So now what do I fucking do?" I asks. "I thought you caught the gargoyle king, FP" Hermione says. "He was using it as a cover to deal drugs" I say. "Octavia is right, he wasn't the one running around on ascension night" FP says. "We aren't taking this seriously are we?" Hermione asks. "I think we have to for our children's sake" Keller says. "And then what we are supposed to run around school pretending to be teenagers while we leave them alone all night. Ollie starts babbling in his baby talk. "Shhh buddy sh" I tell him as I grab one of his toys from my diaper bag. "May I remind you what happened last ascension night, someone ended up dead" "we don't have any choice in the matter. Two members of the midnight club are getting married daring to be happy that's why this is happening now" Penelope says. "And what I'm being dragged into this because my dad died?" I ask. "Yes, Your father escaped the game when he was killed, this is his punishment his daughter being roped into the game" Hermione explains to me. "Cause that makes sense" I mumble. "Maybe if we do this we catch the son of a bitch" FP says. "There's only one problem we all need to participate" "I'll talk to Hiram" "ok it's settled then we finish the game we started" Tom says.

"Ok I'll be back sometime tomorrow morning have fun with dada" I say kissing Ollie's head before leaving. We sneak into the school through a window. "Feels like we never left" FP says looking around the room. "That's because we never did" Alice answers. "So we need to find the chalices and flip for our fate drink up and then it's game over" "you want us to drink poison" Uncle Fred asks. "I'm not killing my self because some asshole dressed up in a mask told me to" I say. "The antidote to cyanide" Penelope says handing us all small bottles. I look at it before opening it and drinking it. "This will keep us immune for several hours." She says. "Let's get this over with" "should we wait for the Lodges?"  "Friends good to see you all here, although I doubt many of you will say the same" Hiram says as he and Hermione walk in. "To bad that bullet wasn't two inches to the right" I mumble under my breath. "Hey" Uncle Fred says hitting my shoulder lightly. "What I can't be the only one who has thought that" I whisper to him. He shakes his head at me and we start searching.

"Girls bathroom is clear, that's were they were last time" Alice says. "Nothing in the trophy case" "we searched the student lounge and the closest where we found Wheatherhead" "second floor is clear" "and so is the gym and locker rooms" I tell them. "So is the cafeteria" "and library". "I don't understand the objective was clear. Return to school find the chalices finish the game. What aren't we seeing?" "Wait a minute where's Penelope" right as Alice asked this Penelope screamed. We all ran to the scream and found ourselves in the detention room where this all started. "Penelope what is it" Alice asks. I don't like this my hands start to shake and my breathing quickens. Got you is written in blood and a gargoyle head is sitting on the desk. "What the hell does it mean?" "It's a prank and we've been played" Hiram answers. "No it's not, it's a distraction something to get us to leave..." "the kids" My uncle says cutting me off. Everyone starts calling there kids and I call Sweet Pea. He doesn't answer. "Damn it Sweet Pea" I yell before hitting Fangs number. "Come on, pick up. Fuck Fangs pick up your damn phone" I say trying not to cry "hello" "Fangs Where's Sweet Pea why didn't he answer is Ollie ok" I ramble. "Relax Octavia I'm at his trailer now we fell asleep watching a movie, Ollie is fine he's asleep in Sweet Pea's room" I instantly relax "ok but tell Sweet Pea to answer the fucking phone next time I call him" I say before hanging up. "Octavia do you have any idea where Kevin might be?" Tom asks me. "Yeah he said he would be at the bunker with Moose" I tell him. "Where the hell is that bunker?" "I'll show you its hard to find especially at night" I tell him and we all leave.

Kevin wasn't at the bunker, but less than a mile away we find someone dressed as the gargoyle king a and Kevin an Moose are standing there. "You don't happen to still have that gun you had when we kidnapped Tallboy do you" FP asks as he pulls out his police gun. "Of course I do" I say taking the gun out of my pants and pointing it in front of me, aimed down at the ground.

We come out telling them to drop there weapons

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We come out telling them to drop there weapons. One guy tries to run but I grab him and point my gun at his head "drop it" I whisper, he drops the knife that was in his hand and I take his mask off, he's one of the kids in the RROTC. FP takes off the gargoyle King's mask and it's Moose's dad. "Hi Sweets" I say walking through the door. "Hi what took you so long?" He asks. "Moose's dad dressed up as the gargoyle king and kidnapped Kevin and Moose to try to scare the gay out of them" I tell him as I put the gun in the safe in his room, so Ollie wouldn't be able to accidentally find it.

Word count: 1111

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