Chapter 30

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Octavia POV
It's been five weeks since we left Archie. Riverdale's quarantine has finally ended but things aren't back to normal.

"Alright serpents it's come to my attention that one of us has been dealing fizzle rocks. Slining dope isn't what serpents do, so from now on we're going clean. There will be no selling or doing drugs, no crime of any kind, and anyone who brakes serpent code will be kicked out." Jughead says as we all stand there. "I think it's pretty redic that you vanish with your bestie for a month, only to return and lecture us about responsibility" Cheryl says walking over. "Cheryl it wasn't some vacation and you know it, he was trying to keep Archie alive" I say from where I'm standing next to him.

"The quarantine happened, you were gone, I needed money" Fangs says as we stand in Jughead's trailer. Apparently he was the one selling drugs. "Well the quarantine is over now so you need to find another way to get cash" I say annoyed. "What did you even need the money for anyway?" FP asks. Fangs just sits there for a second "my moms sick, she has treatments that we can't pay for" he admits. "You're like a brother to me fangs we could've helped" Jughead tells him. "I was ashamed" "so you started dealing fizzle rocks. Where did you get it the gargoyle gang?" Fangs nods. "I'm out now?" "the punishment for this code is immediate exile" Jug says, I pull him off to the side. "He was working with the gargoyle gang, he can be our man on the inside. Come on jug we both know you don't want to kick him out of the serpents, you said it yourself he's like a brother to you" I tell him. "Ok" he says walking back over to Fangs. "I'm going to look the other way just this once but no one can know and you have to stop dealing" he says. "I'm done" Fangs says. "Oh and Fangs we need you to go undercover, join the gargoyle gang. We need you to be our man on the inside." "Ok I'll do it" he says.

I walk in the door to see Archie at the kitchen table eating breakfast. "Arch?" I ask setting Ollie down and going to hug him. "Hey Octavia" he says before turning to Ollie "look at you little man you're so big" he says as Ollie giggles. "So you finally came home" I say grabbing my school bag "I couldn't keep running" he tells me.

"Octavia lets go" Sweet Pea yells. "Alright give me a minute" I yell back grabbing my knife. "Have fun with uncle Archie" I say to Ollie kissing his head. I go outside and get on the bike behind Sweets. We drive to the woods where Fangs said the gargoyle king was hiding out with his gang. We hide behind the trees as FP and Jughead knock out the guards. After chasing the gang off FP takes off the gargoyle king's mask. "Tallboy?" I say surprised that he was the one behind all of this, he seems to stupid to lead a gang.

"Agh" Tallboy groans as I punch him. "We all thought you were dead, Tallboy. Where you been hiding" FP says taking off his serpent jacket. " a small town called Athens" he answered spitting out blood. "It's good to be back. Alice Cooper was looking extra sweet the night me and my boys broke into her house. Didn't know you could freak out that much Andrews, I thought you were gonna pass out from lack of oxygen or squash your kid to death you were holding him so tight. That night was fu-" he gets cut off by Jughead punching him. "All right lets cut to the chase, we know you are working for Hiram Lodge. Dressing up in that mask like his little mascot. So now you are going to help us take him down" Jug says shaking his fist. "You know what else was fun, carving that symbol into Joaquin's forehead after I killed him" he smirks. "Your dead" Fangs says at the time Sweet Pea yells "you son of a bitch" me and FP hold them back so they don't kill Tallboy before he helps us. "What do you think Tallboy should I let them tear you limb from limb or are you going to help us get Hiram?" Jug asks crouching down and staring at him. "He won't meet with me unless I have something he really wants" Tallboy says.

"I have the red paladin. He and his friends tried to ambush us in the woods. If you want him" Tallboy says into the phone as I hold a gun against his head. "Meet at the usual place" he says before Hiram hangs up.

"Sweet Pea?" I ask as me and Jug walk through the bunker. "Don't touch him" "ohh" "what happened?" Jughead asks as we see the boys freaking out and Tallboy dead on the floor. "Tallboy he was trying to escape I don't know. It was an accident" Fangs yelled gun still in his hand. "You have to believe us jug. What do we do Jug?" Sweet Pea asks as Fangs puts his hands to his head. "Hey hey hey, give me that" I say softly as I take the gun, which was much too close to his head for comfort. "I told him not to come at me like that" "look at him what the hell do we do?" They yell to each other. "Just shut up. Let me think" Jughead says turning around. "We're gonna through a party" he says facing us. Me and Pea look at each other confused. "Ok" Fangs whispers, at this point I think he will go for anything that keeps him out of jail.

"We're freaking out dude" Sweet Pea says as we stand at the party. "Shut up just grab a drink relax and party like your life depends on it" he says handing us a beer. I open mine and down it in like thirty seconds. "What I used to drink when I got nervous" I tell them when I realize they are all looking at me. "Serpents we finally have unmasked our foe, the gargoyle king" Jug says standing on top of a car. "I can't do this" I say grabbing another beer this time only taking a few sips at a time. Some one starts chanting serpents. Suddenly a police car pulls up. "Shit shit Shit" I whisper. "They know about Tallboy" Fangs whispers grabbing Pea's shirt. The new sheriff walks towards us with his head down he finally stops and looks up a few feet away from us. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "FP?" I ask. "It's Sheriff Jones now kid" he says winking at us. "Listen up you're looking at the new law of Riverdale" he says as everyone cheers. I take a sip of my beer "underage drinking?" FP asks me "Yup" I answer taking another sip.

Toni and Cheryl never get kicked out of the serpents and start the pretty poisons in this fanfic.
Word count: 1186

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