Chapter 35

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Octavia POV
"So your dad found out you were trying to catch the dealers" I ask Jug. "Yeah he said he would arrest any serpent that he saw trying to take the law into there own hands" he tells me. "Yeah well we just won't let him catch us next time" I say with a smirk.

"How many?" Jughead asks as him, Archie, and I stand in the kitchen. "A lot" "that must be where Kurtz is cooking the drugs" I say. "Do we go to your dad?" Archie asks. "No that would be the nuclear option. Besides my dad doesn't even want us on the street, I'll talk to the guys. See if they're willing to risk their necks." "Count us in too, the guys can fight" "I'm coming too" I tell them. They try to argue but I insist.

"You ready?" Sweet Pea asks me as we stand outside the apartment building. "Yeah" I tell him. We walk through the building and knock out any gargoyles we come in contact with. We hear a thud but can't find out what happened because we are stuck fighting. I knock out four gargoyles by punching them and then a fifth by hitting him in the head with my gun. We finally knock them all out and I go to find Jughead. "Hey are you ok?" I ask when I see him, he looks like he might pass out. "I'm fine, but Kurtz got away" he tells me.

"I can't believe Fangs and Cheryl have joined the farm" Toni says as we watch them walk past us. "They don't even wear serpent jackets anymore" I say looking at them. They wear all white. "What do they even find in that place?" Toni asks. "Edgar can heal them, at least that's what everyone says" I say. "I don't care if he heals people I'd never join a cult" Sweet Pea says. Good. "I don't know if I could get Cheryl out of there I'd consider joining them" Toni says.

"So you really did join the farm for Cheryl" I say to Toni. It has been a week and she too was in the farm. I was still trying to get as much information on them as possible. "Yeah they really make me happy, but Betty wants me to spy on them for her" she tells me. "I understand that they make you happy. Hey Toni if I tell you something you won't tell Betty about it right?" I ask her. "Yeah what did you want to tell me?" She asks. "Well I'm in the farm. I've been a farmie for a while now, but I'm not ready to tell people yet, not even Sweet Pea knows" I tell her. "That's great Octavia I promise I won't tell anyone. But I need your help with something, Betty wants me to steal the other twin back and I need your help to keep her safe" she tells me.  "Of course I'll help you" I tell her. We make a plan and then I leave. My phone rings and I answer it "Charles what do you need, I'm going to the farm tonight a friend needs help and I agreed so she wouldn't suspect anything" I tell him. "Octavia I need you to move in with the farm and soon" he tells me. "How soon?" I ask. "Within the next few days" "ok" I say before hanging up.

"Hurry it's up ahead, you two are life savers" Betty says as we look for the right room. "Well what do they say it takes a village to mercy kidnap a child" Toni tells her. We pick the lock and Betty grabs Juniper.  We start running Betty holding the baby tightly. "Here this way" Toni says leading us into a room. There are a bunch of farmies in the room just like we planned. "Toni what's happening?" Betty asks. "According to Edgar, what was predained." She says as Polly takes her daughter. "No not you too why?" Betty asks. "My whole life I've been searching for a family, I've never felt such belonging then I do at the farm" she says walking over to the others. Shit I hadn't realized how brain washed she was. "Octavia lets go" Betty says grabbing my arm, I pull away and walk over to Toni. "I'm sorry I wasn't ready to tell you sooner, but Betty I need the farm. I need a safe place to raise Oliver away from gangs and his awful grandmother and her sad excuse for a husband, the farm is this safe place" I lie. "Mom. Mom, you can't marry Edgar he's already married to Evelyn" Betty yells pointing. "You think I don't know that. There are no secrets at the farm" Alice says smiling. We all smile at Betty. "I don't understand, why are you all smiling what is this about?" Betty asks. "You. Betty" "join us" we all start to chant. It's hard to go along with this. "Join us. Everyone you know is here. Your mother, your sister, your best friends, your cousin Cheryl, even your principle is here, so join us Betty. Be sister to Polly. Godmother to Juniper, all you need to do is join us Betty" Edgar tells her. She steps forward before running. "Catch her please" Edgar tells us. We all run after and start yelling at her. She gets in her car and locks the door, people are banging on it to try and stop her. She looks me in the eye and I mouth "I'm sorry" before she drives away.

I sigh as I pack my stuff up, I was moving to the farm. I put my and Ollie's stuff into the car I had bought when I turned 16. I only had one stop to make before leaving. I drive to the trailer park and park my car outside of Pea's trailer. I walk in and he notices me "hey babe I feel like we haven't talked in forever" he says kissing me. "I'm sorry Sweet Pea, but I'm moving to the farm and I'm taking Ollie. There's nothing you can do to change my mind" I tell him. "What no you aren't safe there, Ollie isn't safe there" he tells me. "There just brainwashing you, it's  a cult, they're evil" he says. "I'm sorry you don't understand, they're my family, I feel safe with them" I lie. "But the serpents are your family, I'm your family" he tells me. "I'm sorry, you don't understand Pea" I tell him before turning around. "Octavia I love you" he says to me, why did he have to do that if just makes this 10 times harder. "I love you too, but I love my son more and I need to make sure he is safe" I say walking out the door.

Sweet Pea POV
She left, she actually left. After a while Betty walks into my trailer. "Sweet Pea did Octavia come here at all today, no one can find her" she asks. "She left" I say. "What do you mean she left, she went to the farm". I nod. "And you just let her go?" Betty asks angrily. "What was I supposed to do I tried to get her to stay, she wouldn't listen. When she realizes that they're a brainwashing cult she'll come back" I tell her. "What if she doesn't realize, what if she's already too brainwashed? Ollie could be in danger" she tells me. I sigh "we give her a month, if she hasn't come to her sense by then, we get Ollie out of there. I don't care if she wants to join a cult that's her choice but I'm not going to let her ruin Ollie's life" I say. She nods and leaves, telling me she will tell me if she finds anything else out.

Word count: 1316

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