Chapter 11- A date

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Octavia POV
I get up and get ready for school, Ollie is still asleep so I can actually take my time instead of rushing around. Uncle Fred always offers to watch him for me so I can get ready, but I usually say no. It makes me feel like I can't do it on my own. I keep thinking about the kiss and I end up just standing in my room thinking until Archie yells that we are going to be late.

I have a free period first so I hang out in the student lounge with Veronica who also has a free period. We talk about random stuff. No one knows I'm a serpent yet because I'm not wearing my jacket and my sleeves cover the tattoo. I don't know when I'm going to tell them, but I don't think I will be able to hide it for long. Sweet Pea texts me and I smile looking down at my phone. "OMG who are you texting? Your smiling so it has to be a boy. Is he cute? Do I know him?" Veronica says quickly. Jesus does this girl breath. "It's just one of my friends Toni." I lie. "Ooh is she the one with the pink hair?" Veronica asks, I nod and then the bell rings saving me from answering anymore of her questions.

The rest of school is as usual uneventful. I'm at home feeding Ollie while trying to do homework when I get a text from Sweet Pea.

What are you doing?

Octavia 🐍🖤
Homework. Why

How important is that homework

Octavia 🐍🖤
I want to burn it. Now get to whatever you want to say.

Wanna go on a date.

Octavia 🐍🖤
Idk. I'd have to find someone to watch Oliver.

Have Jones watch him.

Octavia 🐍🖤
Ok I'll ask him.

Great. Meet me at my trailer if he says yes.

I text Jughead

Octavia 🖤
Juggie can you watch Ollie for me for a few hours.

Sure bring little man over.

I grab my backpack and put in some diapers and wipes, toys, two extra onesies, a few bottles, and a pacifier. I grab Ollie and tell Archie that I'm going out. I walk to Jughead's trailer and knock on the door. His dad opens it up and looks confused. "I'm guessing Jug didn't tell you he was babysitting for me" I say. He lets me in "no he didn't, Jughead Octavia is here with Ollie." Jug comes out of his room "hey little man" he says taking Ollie from me. "Hi Octavia how are you? Oh I'm great thanks for asking Jughead." I say sarcastically. "Are you gonna leave or no." He asks me jokingly. I slap him lightly on the back of the head, hand him the diaper bag and leave.

I walk to Sweet Pea's trailer and knock on the door. "Hey" he says leaning down and pecking my lips "hi" I say back. "You aren't wearing your serpent jacket" he says looking at the red flannel I was wearing. "Oh yeah my cousin doesn't know yet, so I decided that I'm gonna tell him when I want to piss him off." I answer with a smirk. He shakes his head at me.  "So what are we doing?" I ask realizing he never said what we would be doing on this date. "I was thinking we get take out from pops and go eat by Sweetwater River." He says walking towards his motorcycle. "Sounds like a plan" I say getting behind him on the bike and wrapping my arms around his waist.

We get our food and sit down at the edge of the river talking. I'm currently laying with my head in his lap. "So do you want to go on another date after tonight?" I ask him while sipping my milkshake. "Yeah, but only if it's with you as my girlfriend." He says looking at me. I bite my lip before answering "ok" I say he leans down and kisses me. I sit up and swing my leg around his lap without breaking the kiss. One of his hands is on the small of my back while the other is tangled in my hair. "Oh shit" I hear from behind us, we break apart and see Fangs looking at us with a shocked expression. "Again seriously" I mumble. Sweets glares at Fangs until he leaves. We get up and go back to Sweet Pea's trailer. "You wanna watch a movie?" He asks. I check the time on my phone "yeah I have a few hours before I have to pick Ollie up." We sit on the couch and try to find a good movie although we don't end up paying much attention to it, finally being able to kiss without being interrupted. I pull away from Sweet Pea "I have to go" I say. He hugs me to his chest "nooo don't leave me." He whines into my hair. "I have to pick Ollie up before Jughead sends out a missing persons report." I say wiggling out of his grasp. "Fine" he pouts. I peck him on the lips and walk out of the trailer.

"Octavia Andrews where have you been" I look at my phone. "Seriously Jughead it's 11:03" I say as I pick up my sleeping son. "Exactly and you said you would be back here by 11" he says.  FP is watching us with amusement. "So how was your date" Jug asks. "What date?" I say knowing full well that I never told him where I was going. "You know the date that you just went on with a certain tall serpent with a neck tattoo. Yeah Fangs called me earlier." He says looking at me.
"That bitch" I say. "So tell him if he hurts you that I'm going to beat the shit out of him ok."  "Yeah whatever" I mumble picking up the diaper bag off the ground and leaving. I walk home and put Ollie in his crib managing to not wake him. I get in bed and go to sleep.

It's Friday the last day before Christmas break and I decided that it would be the perfect day to start a little drama. I get dressed and then grab my leather serpents jacket and put that on. "Come on Ollie lets see how your uncle reacts" I say as I place him in the car seat.

Some how Archie didn't notice until we walked into school and everyone started whispering

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Some how Archie didn't notice until we walked into school and everyone started whispering. I walked ahead to my locker leaving my stunned cousin behind. I open my locker and get out what I need for the day. As I slam my locker door shut I see Betty and Veronica standing next to me. "When did you join the serpents girl" V asks me. "On Monday" I answer as we make our way to class. "Wait does that mean you did the dance?" Betty asks me. "No I did the gauntlet like Jughead." I answer. "So did you get one of those tattoos" V asks. "Yup" I answer pulling up the sleeve of my jacket to show them. We keep talking as and get to class. I was in my third class when Reggie walked up to me. "So what your a snake now?" He asks looking down at me.  I don't answer and continue to do my work. "You picked the wrong side" he says grabbing my arm. "I suggest you let go of me before I punch you." I say slowly standing up. His eyes go wide and he lets go of me scrambling back to his seat. I ignore the class and go on my phone.

Juggie 🐍
So you decided to let everyone know you're a serpent

Octavia 🖤🐍
Yeah. How do you know.

Someone took a picture of you in your jacket holding Oliver. It's going all around the internet.

Octavia 🖤🐍
Great 🙄

I look back up to see the teacher standing above me with her hand out. I sigh and give her my phone.

Word count: 1347

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