Chapter 29

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Octavia POV
"Are you okay V?" I ask walking up to Veronica and Cheryl. "Yeah I'm okay but Octavia we think they might shut the school down" she says looking at me. Before I can say anything men wearing hazmat suits run in and start grabbing vixens. "Goes are two of the infected" Principle Weatherbee says pointing at us. "Go girls run" Cheryl says pushing us towards an exit. We run to pops and I call my uncle to pick me up.

"Hey losers I want my kid back" I say walking into Pea's trailer. "So why weren't you at school?" Fangs asks me. "Funny story actually I got chased out by strange men in hazmat suits" I tell him as I plop down on the couch in between them. "Sounds normal" Sweet Pea says sarcastically "so why have you been so busy lately" he asks looking at me. "Oh you know I was working on Archie's case and then I was trying to find out more about G&G" I tell him, it's not completely a lie, but it's not completely the truth. I have been trying to figure out what the farm is up to. After talking for a few hours I have to leave "say bye to dada, Ollie" I tell Ollie picking him up. "Buh ba dada" he says with his fist in his mouth. "Bye I'll call you later" Pea says kissing me.

"Hey Octavia wake up" I wake up to my uncle shaking me. "What's wrong?" I ask checking my phone, it's only five in the morning. "We are going to Toledo to get Archie and Jug, do you want to come" he says. "We?" I ask getting up and picking up Ollie who is still asleep. "Me and FP" he says. I walk towards my closet and get an outfit for me and Ollie. "Sure, but why do you need me to go with you?" I ask. "Because Archie isn't coming back to Riverdale, he still isn't safe here" Uncle Fred says "and I need someone to drive Jughead's bike up there" FP says throwing me the keys. "Ok give me ten minutes" I tell them. I put on some black jeans and a white shirt with my serpent jacket and dress Ollie and put him in his car seat, he'll probably sleep through most of the car ride.

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I put Ollie in my uncles car and get on Jughead's bike

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I put Ollie in my uncles car and get on Jughead's bike. It takes a few hours before we finally get to Toledo. I hop of the bike grab a now awake Ollie and knock on the door. Jughead answers it "hey" I say softly. Archie notices me and hugs me "what are you doing here?" He asks. "We couldn't let you leave without seeing you first" I tell him. Archie goes to hug his dad and I walk towards Jug and his mom. "We ran into Penny" he tells me as he picks up Ollie. "Oh yeah I forgot you are  her daughter" Gladys says. "Lucky you, I can't forget. Did you kill her?" I ask. "No" "that's a shame, does she still have the scar from when I cut off her serpent tattoo?" I ask turning to Jughead. "Yeah doesn't look like it's going to fade anytime soon" "good" I say with a smirk. I walk outside to talk to Archie, after a few minutes Jug comes out "mama" Ollie says reaching towards me. "Hi baby" I say picking him up. I toss Juggie his keys and we leave. "I'll see you soon okay" I tell Archie as I hug him. He nods before walking into the woods with Vegas.

Sorry this is so short.
Word count: 618

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