Chapter 6- Nick St Claire TW⚠️

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Octavia POV
One of Veronica's old friends from New York invited us all to a party. So Jughead is babysitting Ollie for me while I go out somewhere without him since the first time he was born. I put on a black dress, some heels and makeup. Leaving my hair down.

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I get ready and Archie drives us to the five seasons

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I get ready and Archie drives us to the five seasons. When we get there everyone has already started drinking. I can't drink because I'm breast feeding so this party sucks. Nick keeps flirting with me and getting too touchy, but no one else seems to notice that I'm uncomfortable. After a while Nick brought about a bunch of jingle jangle and everyone took some except Betty who stormed off, he then turned and offered me some. "No thanks" I said coldly. "Cmon babe you haven't even had a drink all night. Loosen up" he says trying to hand me a stick. "I can't it's unhealthy if I feed my baby after taking drugs" I snap. "You have a kid that's hot" Nick answers. "Whatever where's the bathroom?" I ask he tells me and I go. Right as I go to close a hand pushes it open. Nick pushes me up against the sink before locking the door. "Stop. Let me out" I say. He ignores me and forcefully grabs my face kissing me. His hands roam my body as I try to push him off. At one point he ends up ripping the strap on my dress. "No. Stop please. Just get off of me. Let me go" I cry pushing him away until he grabs my arms. He moves down and starts to kiss my neck. I bring my leg up and knee him as hard as I can in the crotch. He lets me go and I run out the door. I grab my phone and tell Archie I'm leaving. I run and don't stop until I reach the entrance to the southside. I stop for a second and catch my breath before walking towards Jughead's trailer. Tears run down my face. I haven't cried in years not since my dad died and I had to leave Riverdale. But now I was trying not to sob walking the streets of the southside in the middle of the night in a dress and heels makeup probably running down my face. Suddenly someone calls out my name. I turn around and Toni is running up to me a few feet away is two serpents just watching us.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you ok?" She asks when she finally catches up to me. "I'm fine Toni" I lie but she doesn't buy it. "What happened to your arm and why is your dress ripped. Did someone jump you or something?" She asks worriedly. "No, I was at some party and a drunk guy got to touchy" I answer looking down at the hand shaped bruised forming on my wrist. "Are you ok? Do you want me to walk with you to Jughead's?" She asks. "No I'm fine I promise" I say. She looks uncertain but finally nods. "Ok but text me if you need anything. Ok?" I nod and keep walking towards Jughead's. She stays there looking at me for a few seconds before turning around and walking back to her friends. I can hear them talking but can't make out what there saying.

I get to Jug's and open the door then I break down. I fall to the floor sobbing, Jug comes running out of his room asking me what happens I just sob in his arms. After what seems like forever I finally calm down enough to tell him what happened. We stayed there on the floor for a while him hugging me until we finally decided to go to bed. I walk into Jughead's room to see Ollie sleeping in the pack n play I brought over here. I change into one of Jughead's shirts and fall asleep.

I wake to voices coming from the living room. I look over and the pack n play is empty. Jug must have taken Ollie at some point. I put on black leggings and one of Jughead's grey long sleeve shirts. I walk out and Jughead is with Toni and the two serpents that caught Archie tagging the southside. Juggie is holding Ollie who is wearing a onesie I've never seen before.

" seriously Jughead, cutest little asshole?" I ask

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" seriously Jughead, cutest little asshole?" I ask. "What, you're the one who slept through him crying. So yes I put him in a onesie that says asshole. I should've gotten you one minus the cute part" he answers. I roll my eyes and slap him lightly on the head. "So Octavia this is Sweet Pea and Fangs" Toni says pointing to the two boys Fangs waves to me and Sweet Pea just stares at me. "You gave me a black eye ya know." He says. "One of your boys broke my ribs ya know" I shoot back. This sets Jughead off "what who broke your ribs. Why were you fighting with the serpents in the first place Octavia." He yells. I roll my eyes at how protective he can get. "I'm fine Juggie Archie and his stupid red circle got into a fight with the serpents. So I punched Sweet Pea and then some kid pushed me and started kicking me in the side. I'm fine though, it's not like it's the first time I broke my ribs" I say the last part without thinking. Everyone is looking at me. Jughead has a knowing look  and the others look confused. "What have you never heard of getting into fights before?" I say. I rarely ever got into to fights at my old school and when I did I usually came out with barely a scratch.

We all talked for a while. The boys talking about Jughead becoming a serpent and me and Toni talked about a bunch of random shit. Jughead goes outside when he hears a car pull up. I notice my cousins voice and hand Oliver to Toni before walking outside. The others fallow me and Archie looks pissed. So your hanging out with these thugs now huh." "Go ahead and call us thugs one more time" Sweet Pea says as Jughead pushes him back. At this point the other serpents were just coming by for the last part of Jughead's initiation. "And what are you becoming a serpent now or something?" " if he survives" Sweet Pea said with a smirk. "And Octavia why are you letting one of them hold Ollie, you barely let anyone hold him" Archie turns to me. "Don't bring me into this and I trust Toni so yeah I'm going to let her hold him, because he's my son and I can decide who I trust to hold him." I say still pissed off that he didn't realize how uncomfortable I was. "Why are you here Archie?" Jughead asks annoyed. "Betty wants to break up with you" Archie states bluntly. "What I talked to her yesterday she was fine." Jug says trying to hide the hurt look on his face.  "No she saw the path you're going down we all did. And now you're trying to pull my cousin down with you." He yells. That's it "stop treating me like I'm five fucking years old Archie I can make decisions for myself. I have a kid for gods sake. I can decide who I want to hang out with." I yell at him. He rolls his eyes. "Fine whatever are you coming to Nick's parent's party." He asks me. Jug answered before I could "no she's not going anywhere near that guy" "what's wrong with Nick he was being perfectly nice all night" Archie said confused. "Are you really that stupid? What did you think he was planning on doing when he fallowed me or were you too high off jingle jangle to fucking notice" I scream before walking back into Jughead's trailer slamming the door as hard as I could.

Word count : 1345

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