Chapter 25- FBI

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Octavia POV
"We need to figure out more about the daughter Evelyn if this investigation on the farm is gonna go anywhere" a man I don't recognize says. Alice notices me and her eyes go wide "Octavia you can't tell anyone you saw anything ok" she says quickly. "Why am I going to be killed if I do" I joke, the man pulls out a badge. "No but you will be arrested, Charles Smith FBI agent" he says showing me his badge. "Oh shit are you Betty's dead brother that apparently isn't really dead?" I ask. "Elizabeth tells you too much" Alice says. "Yes I am" Charles answers my question. "Well I just came here for my math notebook, oh and if you're trying to get information on a high school student send in another high school student or someone to pretend to be a student and have them befriend her and then get information on her" I suggest. "That's a good idea kid, what's your name" he asks holding out his hand for me to shake. "Octavia Andrews" I say adjusting Ollie on my hip so I can shake his hand. "So Octavia would you want to be a spy for the FBI?" He asks me. "Sure but don't you have to be an FBI agent to work for the FBI?" I ask him.  "Not necessarily, Alice isn't an agent but is working with us. So will you do it" he says. "Sure" I say. "So go to school talk to the girl and then meet me at my office, give me a call if anything goes wrong I'll tell you more about this later today, oh and Octavia" he says. "Yeah" I say taking the card with his number and address on it. "Don't tell anyone anything about this." I nod grab my notebook and leave for school.

By the time I get to school it's almost lunch time. I give the lady at the front office the note showing that Ollie got his shots and that's why I was late. I head to class and sit next to Sweet Pea "what took you so long?" He whispers to me. "Ollie wouldn't calm down after his shots and then I couldn't find my notebook" I tell him. He nods "Veronica is opening the Speakeasy tonight want to go?" He asks me. "Yeah what time" I smile. "8:00" he says I nod and we both do our work talking when the teacher isn't paying attention.

"Evelyn hi" I say sitting down next to her for my last class of the day. "Oh hi Octavia where were you this morning you missed both classes" she asks as we get our notebooks out. "I had to take Ollie to a doctors appointment" I say pointing at him sleeping in his car seat at my feet. "Oh he's so cute. I wish there was more babies at the farm but there's only two." She says, I take this as my chance "Polly's twins right?" I ask. "Yeah" she answers "actually about the farm I was wondering if you could tell me more about it, it just sounds so interesting" I say casually. She smiles at me "of course I can bring you there tomorrow if you'd like" she says. "Really that would be amazing" I smile back at her. "Yeah just give me your number" she says. I hand her my phone so she can put her contact in it and text her so she has my number saved. We take the test and then I go and talk to Sweet Pea before Betty drives me home.

Once I get home I take out the card Charles gave me and look at the address. I get on a bus and head there to talk to him. "Hi um I need to talk to agent Smith" I tell the person that's sitting behind a desk right after the entrance. "And who are you" she asks me. "Tell him it's Octavia he'll know who your talking about" j say to her. She sighs before walking off and coming back with him a few minutes later. "Ah Octavia good to see you" he says leading me to his office. "So I talked to her, got her phone number, and she's taking me to the farm tomorrow after school" I tell him sitting down in a chair in front of his desk. "Really" he asks surprised. I nod "hey would you mind giving me the number" he says I open my phone to her contact and hand it to him. He writes down the number on a piece of paper and then hands me my phone back. "So you're going to wear a wire while you go there tomorrow so we can hear everything you hear" he explains handing me the wire, "what if they find it?" I ask him. "They won't, you put it in your boots with the microphone facing upwards and they won't suspect it" he explains to me. I nod "so I'll call you if I need to tell you anything and try to act as normal as possible don't let anyone figure out anything is different or wrong ok" he says. "Ok" I say grabbing my bag off the floor and standing up. I left and texted Pea saying that I would meet him at the Speakeasy.

I go home and change before asking my uncle if he could babysit. He agrees and I start walking to pops. I already know how to get in since Veronica showed me it early last summer right after she found out about it. I head down as and find Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea and I spend the night talking and dancing and then I picked Ollie up and we slept at Pea's trailer.

I wake up next to Sweet Pea and we both get ready for school. We walk to school and talk nonstop during all the classes we have together. He takes Ollie for two of the classes I don't have with him but I take him back for my last class since I'm going with Evelyn after.

Evelyn and I don't really talk during class because we had a pop quiz but she walks up to me as soon as class ends. "Hey are you ready to go!" She asks grabbing her bag. "Yeah I just need to go to the bathroom real quick then we can leave" I say and we walk to the bathroom. She waits outside and I quickly turn the microphone on and hide it in one of my combat boots. I text Charles and tell him I turned the mic on. I have his contact as C so no one knows who it is. I flush the toilet and turn the sink on in case Evelyn was listening. "Hey sorry about that" I say walking out of the bathroom. "Oh it's fine, is your son coming with us?" She asks me as we start walking outside. "Yeah" I answer glancing down at Ollie. We get to her car and I buckle Ollie in before we start driving. "So what's your dad like, I heard he runs the farm" I say. "Yeah who told you that Betty?" She asks. "Yeah and talking about Betty could you maybe not tell her about this I know how she feels about the farm and I don't want her to think less of me" I tell her. "Yes I understand Betty just doesn't get how great the farm is. I'm glad you do" she says smiling at me. I smile back but mine is fake. After a few minutes we get to a building. "Come on I'll introduce you to my dad." She says grabbing my hand and leading me to an office.

"Dad this is Octavia the girl I was telling you about" she says as we walk into the office. "Ah good to meet you take a seat, Evelyn close the door behind you" he says, I sit down and Evelyn leaves. "So you're Octavia the teen mother, tell me what's your little boys name" he says. "His name is Oliver Mr. Evernever" I tell him. "Cute name, so tell me your story" he says folding his hands. "My story?" I ask slightly confused. "Why did you come to the farm" he asks. "Well I heard my friends sister Polly talk about how the farm healed her when her heart and mind were broken" I say. "Ah so you know Polly" he says. "Yes our children are close in age" I explain. "Yes I believe they are and what broke you, why are you broken" he asks me. I take a deep breath before I start talking "Well my mother and her husband hurt me and then her husband forced me to have his child" "ok and do you blame your son for what your step father did to you" he asks. I start bouncing my foot up and down "no it's not his fault, my son isn't his the man who forced a child on me " I say. "You are already on the path of healing, you have forgiven your stepdad by loving his son" he says to me. "No disrespect sir, but that man is not my sons father, they may be connected by DNA but that doesn't make him a father" I snap slightly. "I can understand where you are coming from so the next step of healing is forgiving your mother and to do that I suggest you go see her" he says in a calm voice. "I've tried that already, seeing her I mean. Every time she just blames me and then tries to take Ollie from me." I tell him. "Ok is there anything you would like to know about the farm?" He asks politely. "There is actually what does the farm do, I mean you can't keep a place like this running without a steady source of income?" I ask remembering Charles said that they must have an illegal way to make all the money they have. "I'm afraid we don't tell people that right away" he says. Evelyn comes back and I walk with her around a little bit before telling her I need to leave. "I'll drive you if you want" she offers. "No it's fine I want to walk, the fresh air is good for Ollie" I decline. She hugs me goodbye and I walk away. I wait about five minutes before calling Charles. "So did that help any" I say as he picks up. "The conversation didn't but the wire you are wearing is also a tracking device so we now know exactly where Edgar is if we want to arrest him but we need more evidence first" he explains. "Ok so how do we get them to let something slip?" I ask him while looking behind me to make sure no one is fallowing me. "I don't know just yet, but keep getting closer to Evelyn make her and her father trust you because there's no way they will let anything slip if they don't trust you." "Ok but how do I make sure they trust me!" "You have to let them think you're harmless, vulnerable. That way they won't be suspicious and they will be more likely to trust you." He says "ok" "oh and Octavia, contact me before you speak to Edgar again, he's the criminal behind all of this" Charles says before hanging up. I head to Sweet Pea's, him and Fangs were already there. I tell them I was at the library studying when they start to question where I was. Luckily they buy. After a while I go home and as I lay I bed and think about what's happened in the last few, I never would have thought that I would be working for the FBI against a cult like group that doesn't even have anything to do with a farm.

Word count: 2003

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