Chapter 10- joining the gang

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Octavia POV
It's Monday and after school I become an official serpent. FP agreed to letting me run the gauntlet instead of doing the dance. I told my uncle and he wasn't very happy about it but he said it was my choice. I haven't told Archie because he would flip. I get ready for school and grab Ollie before leaving with Archie. It's the last week of school before Christmas break so everyone is happier than usual. School is pretty uneventful other than I got kicked out of class because my son was distracting the teacher. I swear this teacher has if out for me. I head over to Jughead's after school where all of the teenage serpents and a lot of the adult serpents are waiting. Apparently me being the first ever girl to run the gauntlet they all wanted to watch. Toni told me to wear something athletic so I changed into grey leggings and a sports bra. Usually Jughead being serpent prince would throw the last bunch with brass knuckles, but he refused to hit me and decided to hold Ollie and watch with Toni. I walked up to them before starting. "Don't worry if you get knocked down ok. I've watched a lot of these and most of the guys fall down and some even pass out." Toni says hugging me. "I'm sure I'll be fine Toni" I say kissing Ollie on the head before turning over to the group of guys waiting to punch me. They were all teenagers and Fangs was the first. He smiled apologetically before punching me hard in the stomach. I barely felt a thing, I was used to getting punched and kicked worse than this so it was nothing. I go through all of the guys either punching me in the stomach or face. By the time I get to Sweet Pea at the end of the line I still feel little pain. I spit out the blood that's in my mouth and look up at him, he cracks his knuckles and punches me hard in the face, I can feel his brass knuckles cut my face but I refuse to fall. I stumble before steadying myself. I just stand there for a second before Sweet Pea offers me his hand I shake it as FP hands me my serpent jacket I swing it on as I walk over to Jug and take Ollie from him. "You did good" Toni says hugging me.

I'm now sitting in Sweet Pea's trailer, he agreed to give me my tattoo since Toni was busy and no one else was good at tattooing. "So where do you want your tattoo?" He asks sitting down. "Um my right forearm." I answer "okay take off the jacket" he says getting the tattoo machine ready. I slip off my jacket and look at my arm you can still see the thin scars that cover it. That's why I chose the placement for it hopefully it will cover the scars a little. Sweet Pea says nothing as he grabs my arm, but he runs his thumb over one of the deeper scars. He starts the tattoo and while he isn't paying attention to me I take the time to study him, his hair kind of falls into his face and his serpent tattoo sits perfectly on his neck. The tattoo is supposed to take about an hour and halfway through Ollie gets hungry. "Hey do you mind if I feed him" I ask picking him up out of the car seat. "Yeah if you can do it with one hand I don't care." He says not looking up. I get Ollie to start nursing which is really hard to do using only my non dominant hand. Apparently I should have warned him how I was feeding him because when I look back up Sweet Pea's eyes are glued to my now slightly exposed chest. "Hey pay attention, I don't want you fucking up my tattoo." I say laughing. He blushes bright red and continues to do my tattoo. "Aww did I make the big and tough Sweet Pea blush." I say in a baby voice. "No. Now shut up I'm trying to concentrate." He says eyes glued to my arm. I laugh and hold Ollie until he falls asleep while still eating. I put him back in the car seat and drape a light blanket over it to block out some of the light. After another 30 minutes the tattoo is finally finished.

He wraps my tattoo up and I grab my jacket. "Thanks" I say. I look up at him and his eyes are glued to my lips. I look at him for a second before he grabs my face and connects our lips. I immediately respond one hand grips the back of his jacket while the other grabs his hair. His hands go down to my waist pulling me closer. We make out for a few minutes before Oliver starts to cry. We pull apart and I lean down to check on him giving him his binki so he calms down. "Your kids a cock block by the way." Sweet Pea says. I hit him on the chest. "I should go." I say softly. "Mhm" he replies pecking my lips. I pick up the car seat and walk out the door. I walk home with a smile on my face.

I put Ollie in his crib and take a shower. When I get out I notice I have a new text message.

I had fun tonight.

Octavia 🐍🖤
So did but how did you get my number?

I asked Topaz for it.

Octavia 🐍🖤
And she didn't question you

Oh she did, I just didn't answer.

Octavia 🐍🖤

Goodnight princess

Octavia 🐍🖤
Goodnight Pea

I turn my phone of and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Yay, Sweet Pea and Octavia kissed and Octavia is a serpent.
Word count: 999

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