Chapter 21- death of a serpent or not

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Octavia POV
Fangs is finally getting out tonight and the Northsiders aren't happy. They slashed tires at the wyrm and set a dumpster on fire. Former mayor McCoy helped him get out. A crowd is forming outside of the police station and I have no idea how we can get him out safe. I drop Ollie off with Kevin and head to the station waiting for Fangs to be released.

I find Fangs and hug him. "We can't take Fangs out the front. We have to take the side entrance." Jughead says to the new sheriff. "Crowds our there too so pick your poison, serpent." He answers. "What do we do man?" Sweet Pea asks. Fangs starts pacing "I don't want to die" He yells. Jughead stands there for a second before turning around to face them "Fangs you're not going to ok. We stand together till one of us falls. In unity there is strength" he says "in unity there is strength" we repeat.

We walk out of the police station and start to make our way through the riot. All of us are standing around Fangs and more serpents including Jughead's dad join us and help us push past the crowd. We are almost halfway through when I see Reggie walking towards us while pulling something out of his pocket. It's a gun, Archie runs and tackles him to the ground. A gunshot rings out and everyone screams, covering there heads. I look to my right and Fangs is standing there shocked, a red stain on his stomach slowly growing. We grab him as he starts to crumple to the ground and Jughead screams for help as I push down on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

The ambulance that was called couldn't come because of the crowd, so we had to take him to the hospital in FP's truck. I'm in the back with Fangs laying on my lap. "I'm going to die" he whispers looking up at me with tears in his eyes. "No. No you aren't ok. Listen to me they're going to fix you, you aren't going to die, I promise" I tell him. He's loosing too much blood so I press harder onto the bullet hole in his stomach causing him to groan "I'm scared" he lets a tear fall down his cheek "I know, I know" I say running my hands through his hair. We finally get to the hospital and a doctor wheels him away on a stretcher. I can't take it anymore I run. I don't know where I'm going but I end up at the school. I notice Fangs bike and realize I still have the keys to it. Him and Sweet Pea had taught me how to drive a motorcycle, so I know how to ride his. I get on his bike and head to pops.

Reggie and a few other bulldogs are there, so was Kevin and Ollie. I walk in, Fangs blood still covers my clothes hands and face. "Octavia I'm sorry I had no choice but to take him with me" Kev says handing Ollie to me. "It's ok Kevin" I say kissing my sons head. "Octavia are you ok, were you hurt?" Archie asks me "no I'm fine, it's Fangs blood" my voice breaks as I say this. "Octavia it wasn't Reggie who shot him it was Mrs. Klump" Archie says. Before I can say anything Kevin looks out the window and says "guys look" Reggie looks and then shuts the blinds "serpents they are coming for me" he says. Archie gets on the phone and I look outside it's not the serpents "No, not serpents. Ghoulies" I say to them. "Oh crap, Jug? Looks like the ghoulies are back in town" Archie says before hanging up. We push anything heavy against the doors. One of the windows shatters and I lean over Ollie making sure the glass won't hit him. "Here take him behind the counter" I say handing Kev Ollie, he nods and goes behind the counter. I flip out my switch blade and crouch under a table. Archie talks to Pop and then goes on the roof throwing flaming alcohol bottles. FP, my uncle, and former sheriff Keller pull up and get the ghoulies to leave. "Hot Riverdale dads to the rescue" Kevin says taking a picture of them. I cradle Oliver to my chest trying to stop his cries. "FP is Fangs ok?" I asks worried. "Octavia I'm sorry but he didn't make it." He says softly. I slowly bring my hand up to my mouth as I try not to let the tears fall. "I lied to him" I say. "What" Archie asks "I-I told him he would be ok, I promised him he wasn't going to die and he believed me" I say. Then I realize something "who told he was dead?" I ask "the new sheriff" FP answers. "What if he lied" I say "that's possible" FP says. "I'm going to the hospital to check I don't believe the crap they say. Can you watch Ollie?" I ask turning to my uncle he nods and takes him from me. "Octavia how are you even going to get there?" Archie asks me. "Fangs's motorcycle" I say taking the keys out of my pocket and walking outside.

I drive as fast as I can to the hospital. "Fangs Fogarty? He was brought in here for a gunshot wound to the stomach I need to see him." I say to the nurse at the front desk. "Room 217" she answers and I thank her before running to the room. When I walk in Fangs is awake "hey Fangsy how you doing" I say softly. "I'm ok, doc says I can leave in a day or two" he says voice groggy, most likely from the meds "that's good" I say. "You should go home and shower you're covered in my blood" he says. I laugh slightly "yeah I have to tell the others your ok" I say. He nods and I kiss his head before leaving.

As I walk through the halls somebody bumps into me. I'm about to apologize but they pull out a scalpel and starts stabbing me in the stomach and chest. I look up and into the eyes of Hal Cooper. He lets me go and I fall to floor. I don't know how many times he stabbed me but it must have been at least 20 times. I hear a nurse scream for a stretcher and my eyes slowly close as everything fades into darkness.

Word count: 1103

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