Chapter 19- missing Blossom

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Octavia POV
"Still no word from her?" I ask Toni as we finish cheerleading practice. "No but I'm gonna find her." She says and then yells for inner circle to stay back. "What do you mean Cheryl is missing" Veronica asks. "Remover how paranoid she was at her slumber party? Saying her mom and uncle were out to get her. Well I think they did something to her." Toni answers. "What kind of something?" Josie asks. "Not the good kind" I answer. "Her mom says they sent her to an all girls boarding school in Switzerland." Toni says. I pull out my phone and check Cheryl's Instagram "her social media has been dead for days, anyone who has met Cheryl would know that she'd be posting parka selfies every five minutes." I say showing them my phone. "That's a sure sign of foul play. Whatever you need Toni I'm in" Veronica says. We all agree to go back to Cheryl's house and question her mom again.

"Go ahead girls ask your questions" Penelope says as we sit on the couch in Cheryl's living room. "You said Cheryl was away at some boarding school" Toni says crossing her arms. "Honestly I'm not in the habit of explaining myself to school girls." Cheryl's mom answers. "Maybe not but do you know that my mother is dating Sheriff Keller" Josie says. Ollie starts to cry loudly "oh will you shut that thing up" she yells. "Fine" I say pulling down my shirt and feeding him, she looks disgusted at me and opens her mouth to say something "he eats or he screams" I say. "Tell is the truth or you can tell him" Josie finishes. "The truth is that Cheryl started exhibiting strange, deviant behavior, so I sent her to a private wellness institute. They are trying to help her. You don't have to believe me, but here let me show you something" she says handing Josie a folded piece of paper. Josie unfolds it and looks horrified. I look over her shoulder and see a hand drawn picture of Cheryl and Josie. "She's drawn dozens like it" "I don't understand" Veronica says. "Cheryl was obsessed with you. To the point were I was afraid she would hurt both herself and you. I'd be happy to show these drawings to your mothers boyfriend, and the rest of the town" Josie runs out of the house at Mrs. Blossoms words.

"Josie wait. Slow down, we need to re group." Veronica yells as we all chase after her. "If what she just said is even a tiny bit true then Cheryl threatened me, sent me a bloody pigs heart. I'm sorry but your on your own I'm out" she yells back before storming off.

"So she's with the sisters what does that even mean" Toni says still trying to figure out the phone call she got earlier. "Wait it could be the sisters of quiet mercy" I say. "What the hell is that." She asks me. My phone goes off and I look at the text I got from Jughead. "Shit Toni we have to go Betty is in trouble and Jug needs our help." I say as we walk out we quickly drive to her house and wait for the rest of the serpents. I look at Jughead and he nods, we all take out our switchblades and I bring my foot up and kick down the door. "You think you two can take all of us, try it." We wait until they leave and I apologize to Mrs. Cooper about her door. I text Veronica and me and Toni head back to the school.

"Yes your right it absolutely could be the sisters of quiet mercy. There one of the few places that still does gay conversion therapy in the country." Kevin says to us. "What the hell decade is this" Toni says shaking her head. "Hey Kev you wouldn't happen to know how to get us in would you?" I ask him. "The sisters used to smuggle booze in through a tunnel that still exists today" he answers. "Wait a tunnel we could use to smuggle Cheryl out?" Veronica asks. "Potentially. Gay boys in the program used to use it to sneak out, to hook up with perfectly nice young men like myself in fox forest." He says. "So will you lead us to this secret gay hook up tunnel?" I ask and he nods. We sit in the student lounge for an hour, creating a plan to bust Cheryl out.

"Sorry had to wait for my parents to do bed check" Veronica says walking towards us. All three of us are wearing all black, me and Toni also having our serpent jackets on. We walk out of the pembrooke and start walking. We walk through the woods until we find Kevin. He's in front of the entrance to a huge tunnel. "According to my intel, the tunnel that leads to the main residence comes out here" Kevin says. "Great that's our way in then. Ok Kevin stay here if we aren't back in 15 minutes call your dad ok" Veronica says, he nods and the three of us head inside. "Split up that way we can cover more ground. Let's get Cheryl and get out of here" I say the other two nod and we all go down a separate hallway. I can hear them yelling her name. I find the dorms and look at all the name tags until I find the one that says 'Blossom'. I try the handle but it's locked "Cheryl are you in there" I whisper not wanting to be caught. I don't hear an answer but I decide to go in anyway. I grab my switchblade and jiggle it in the lock until I hear a click. The room is empty, but you can tell that someone has been in here recently. I shut the door and run down the halls when I see a bunch of nuns chasing me. I see Veronica also being chased and grab he'd hand dragging her with me. We find Cheryl and Toni kissing in front of a movie screen. We yell for them to follow us and then we run with at least 2-3 dozen nuns chasing after us. After getting out of the tunnel we grab Kevin and keep running. We don't stop until we get to the trailer park, Kevin and Veronica went home already so I say bye to Cheryl and Toni and walk into to Sweet Pea's trailer. I close the door and collapse against it, trying to catch my breath.

Word count: 1111

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