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The three things Y/n experienced after she saw that bright flash of green. It was so beautiful, like looking into the eyes of Mother Nature herself. Expanding and engulfing her warmly, it almost felt nice

But then she became trapped. Trapped, in the vast, endless void of her mind. Was she dead? Asleep? In a coma? She'd never know. All she knew was that she couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't see, couldn't hear. She was stuck.

It was as if time itself had given up.

But it marched onwards, and Y/n found herself losing it. How long had she been stuck? Days? Months? Years? She'd never know. 

But it seemed she'd never know anything. She'd never know what happened, where she was, and if she'd ever wake up again. She was stuck. Stuck. Stuck. Stuck. It was agonizing. At first, she tried sleeping. Maybe that would work? But no, her mind was too active, running, leaping, desperately trying to find a reasonable answer as to why she was immovable.

Eventually, she gave up. It was too difficult, too much for her mind to bear. So she turned to stories. Endless stories she had read, piled up in her head like a disorganized file cabinet, or a library overflowing with knowledge. She found comfort in them. Whether it be a tragic love story, or an adventurous fantasy novel, she recounted it all. And it worked. For once, the dark, empty void became a cacophony of colors and excitement, an escape from the dark reality.

So she relived these adventures again.

And again.

And again.

Until they brought no more comfort. Until she was back wondering what had happened to her, why she was stuck like this. But with that wonder came a stubborn determination. Whatever this was, she could power through it. Focus. Break through. Wake up.

Wake up. 

             Wake up.

                                                  Wake up.

The stone crumbled away.

The air felt cold against her skin.

Her eyes opened.

And Y/n took her first breath in her new life.

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