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  I feel something on my crotch. It can't be a rat— but I remember that I was sleeping on Leafy. I hope that I'm not having a wet dream, but it turns out I'm not.

Leafy's just turned on. For some reason.

  I stayed quiet for the rest of her.. session, when she finally slept. I got off of her, and sat up. That was one hella crazy train ride. I watched Leafy sleep, after grinding off of me for heaven's sake. She's sweating, and she looks tired. It's sadly— so obvious.

  When Leafy had woken up, I already felt better, so I decided to bake some cookies for me and her. I heard her fuzzy bunny slippers tap on the wooden stairs, and making her way to the kitchen. I felt a pair of arms wrap me up, and pulled my back closer to them.

  "What's that sweet smell.." Leafy grunted, half-asleep. She rubs her eyes, and yawned too. She's like a kitten.

  "It's cookies."

  "Mm, yummy."

  "You're still tired, go back to sleep."

  "Nooo.. I wanna stay and eat.. cookie dough!"

  Leafy kept whining, scratching my sides. I finally had enough and carried her out of the kitchen. "Nooo! Put me down!" She whined, smacking my back again and again. Half-asleep Leafy is the worst.

  I put her down on the couch, and let her rest there. She didn't fall back asleep, but whined about how unfair I was. Annoyed by this— little creature, I turn off the cookies and let them cool on a tray, then get back to Leafy who finally looks like a decent human being.

  "So.. it's April." I spoke out, trying to start a conversation.

  "What about it?"



  "What do you do when you get those.. weekly.. occurrences?"

  "I have suppressants."

  "Aren't those painful?"

  "At least it would stop those occurrences."

  "Will you use them again?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "Why will you?"

  "So I don't have to go into heat."

   "You don't have to do that."

  "Firey— you know what happens when I go into h—"

  I cut her off. "I know that! But I'm here now. You— you have been digesting those painful medicine for 6 years— well guess what? I'm here now. You don't have to."

  She curses. "Well what if you regret it— dumbass!?"

  "I won't!"

  "Why the hell not!?"

  "Because I love you!"

  I hear the timer turn off. The cookies are cool by now. "I'm sorry."

  "What are you sorry for? For loving me?"

  "No— that's not what I meant!"

  "Then what did you mean!?"

  "I'm sorry that you had to take all those medicines."

  "Firey, you don't have to bring that u—"

  "It's because of me, right? Why didn't you just— find someone else to be with you? Then you wouldn't have to endure that pain."

  "I didn't want to be with someone else! I'm already happy with you. And— I believed that you would come back!"

  "Let's just— not do it."


  "It's too awkward. Plus— it feels like you'll regret it. It sounds like I'm being pitied by you."

  "Hey— then let's make it not awkward. Also— I'm not pitying you! You're the one who wanted it. I won't regret it either."


  Leafy twiddles her thumbs together. She's not sure. "Do you.. are you just doing this because it's my seasonal?"

  I shake my head. "Of course not! Leafy look— if you wanted to do it you could just say."

  She backs away. Far far away from me. She's blushing. "Wh-what are you talking about!?"

  "I'm not doing this because of your spring occurrences. We can also do that anytime."

  She stands up, scratching the back of her head. "O-oh.."


  "N-nothing.. I was just thinking that.."

  "We could do it now?"

  "N-no!!" She shrieks, hiding her face. "Well.. m-maybe?"

  Though I heard her, I went closer to her just to hear it again. "What was that?"

  "You're too close.." She murmurs, covering her face with a pillow.

  "Let's eat some cookies, shall we?"

  Still holding the pillow, she nods. "Mm."

  While we we ate cookies by the couch, watching some Netflix, Leafy turns to me. "Did you mean it?"

  "Mean what?"

  "That you love me?"

  "I've always loved you."

  "Thank you. Did you also mean the.. spring thing?"

  "I did. I just want you to feel the same or else I'll regret it."

  "Will you really not regret it?"

  "I won't as long as I have your consent and you feel the same way too."

  She smiles warmly, resting her head on my shoulder. "Thanks, Firey."

  "Of course, anything for you."

Afterwards, Leafy and I slept on our bed. I suppose she'll be going back to work tomorrow again, and I might not be seeing her. I kind of want to be sick forever if it meant being with Leafy.

  "Will you stay at a Friend's house again?" I ask her, while she's tucking herself beside me.

  "No. I wanna eat dinner here again."

  I smile, reassured. "I'm glad."

  "I know you are."

  This was a blissful day.


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