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" Are you sure there's no one in LA "
" no hunny there's not "
" ok we"
" wait yes there is your distance cousin you only meet her when you were little "
" yes "
She told me her address and I wrote it down
" oh mom I have to go my flight is about to leave "
" ok love you Hunny "
" love you too mom I'll call you when I land "
I hung up and quickly got to my gate and settled in on the plain.

There was a light tap on my shoulder
" Hey we're just about to land "
The woman next to me said
" oh thank you "
I put away my earbuds and got ready for the landing which thankfully was smooth. I got an Uber to the address my mom told me and when I knocked on the door a man with black hair opened it
" oh umm does a woman by the name of Abby live here "
" na dude sorry "
He closed the door and I said quietly as I made my way down the stairs
" well that's just perfect "
I walked around and found my way to a small coffee shop that only three other people were in
" hi um can I get a .. lemonade "
" yeah "
The woman told me the price and just as I was about to step away from the counter I said
" oh umm you wouldn't possibly know her "
I pulled up a picture from Facebook that my mom sent me so I knew who I was looking for
" I think I've seen her before "
I heard the bell on the door chime
" what's her name "
" Abigale Clark or Abby I don't know what she goes by "
" now I remember she used to come in here I haven't seen her for a while though "
" oh thank you "
" yeah "
She gave me the lemonade and I sat down and watched as people passed by. I was looking on my phone for a hotel close by but I felt like someone was staring at me I had my back to the door so I finally turned and saw a blond guy with a mark just above his eye at the table next to me. I tried to shake it off but he wouldn't stop
" ok what is it "
He looked like he was just caught taking money out of his moms' purse
" hello "
I saw the logo for the LA fire department and said
" sorry long day "
And gestured to this shirt
" Hi I'm .. I'm Evan Buckley "
" well Evan I'm Ruby Brooklyn "
" I heard you were a looking for someone "
" yeah my cousin Abby my mom said she lives here but I doubt that she hasn't posted for a long time and trust me she's always posting stuff "
" yeah "
He had a small smile on his face. I quickly moved to sit across from him
" a firefighter "
I said pointing at his shit and he looked down
" oh yeah hey umm you wouldn't want to hang out would you "
" I just met you and all I know is that you have on a firefighter shirt and for all, I know you could have bought it at a thrift store or took it from a friend "
" oh you don't believe me "
I laughed a little and he looked hurt
" nope "
" ok come on "
" what "
" come on "
He grabbed my hand and started to pull me out of the shop. His grip was losse so if I wanted to I could brake it and after two blocks we were at a fire station.

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