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Bucks pov
I woke up before my alarm and I put my arm over where she usually is but then I remembered she slept on the couch. I got up got dressed and just as I was going to go down the alarm went off. I jumped across the bed to turn it off and I heard her moving then nothing I went down the stairs and she was still asleep. I tried to make breakfast but everything seems to be much louder in the morning
" hum what's going on "
She said as she sat up
" I was trying to make you something "
She walked into the kitchen and said
" well thank you it was a good idea but umm I thought pancakes were supposed to be light brown, not this dark chocolate color "
She was smiling as she healed up the two I had already made
" let me "
She said and soon she had four super fluffy pancakes on a plate. The entire time I watched in aw almost at how she's acting like nothing really happened
" so do you know if they got my name on the paperwork yet "
" it's a lease and they got it done the other day "
" grate "
" so what are you going to do today "
" Go to the DMV and finally get my license changed "
" yep seems like the best thing to do when you just got out of the hospital yesterday "
" I have a lot of time so why not "
" ok well I have to go I'll call you later ok "
" k "
She gave me a kiss and I rushed to work because I was going to be late.

Ruby's pov
When I finally walked out of the DMV my phone started to ring and it was him
" hey good timing I just got done I am officially a resident of California "
" that's amazing how are you doing "
" you know sore but it's ok "
" so what are you going to do "
" go home I'm so tired I'll see you when you get home "
" yeah see you then "

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