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It was 5 in the morning and he had to stop for gas
" I have to use the bathroom "
" no "
" ok then it's your car to clean "
He sighed and then cut the tie on my hand and let me go in
" hello where's the bathroom "
" back there "
The guy said and then looked back at his phone and as I walked back there I grabbed a marker from a shelf. When I got in there I wrote on the wall
' my name is Ruby Brooklyn I have been kidnaped by a M in a Green Ford 2D truck please call 911 ps sorry about the wall '
I was about to walk out the door but I decided to try to leave a paper trail
" hey babe "
The guy looked towards the building and I knew the camera caught him
" I'll get the gas this time "
I went back in and got a bag of cinnamon gummy bears I once make a joke to Buck and Hen that if they ever see me eating them I've been kidnaped.
" anything else "
" did you get the gas "
" oh ... ok "
I swiped my card and I had to sign so I pretended like the pen was running out and wrote on the top ' bathroom ' and then I " got " the pen to work and signed
" thanks "
I quickly left and got back in and we took off
" What did you say "
" nothing "
" then why was he looking after you "
" Why did you take me "
" Because you're beautiful "
" I'm sure he thought the same thing "

Bucks pov
I saw as a truck ran the light and hit us. When I woke up my head hurt and I saw dried blood on my arm and I wasn't going to look at it till I realized she wasn't in the car. I looked at my arm and it was bandaged and then I saw the writing
' M Gren Ford 2D '
Then I heard the sirens I grabbed my phone and when I called her it rang in the car. I hung up and called Bobby and he didn't pick up so I tried again and on the last ring he picked up
" Buck it's almost 1 in the morning "
" there's been an accident "
" what happened "
" she's gone Ruby's gone "
" are you hurt "
" there here "
" who "
" 911 "
The phone cut out so I hung up and took a picture of my arm then I passed out.

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