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Ruby's pov
When we got there everyone was so nice
" Athena how are you "
" I'm good Buck this must be "
" Ruby "
" What a beautiful name "
We followed her to the kitchen then she got distracted.
" Buck "
I heard Christopher yell and we looked over to where he was
" hey buddy "
We went over and he picked him up to give him a hug and when he set him down
" Ruby "
He said with a big smile
" hey "
" I'll be back ok "
" k "
I said and buck walked away and Athena said we could get food
" come on "
Christopher said and I walked over there with him and got him a plate and one for myself
" ok where do you want to sit "
" there "
I walked over to where he said and I sat down next to him.

When we were done people started to leave till it was me and Buck left and we helped clean up a little
" ok you two get out of here "
" ok Bobby "
" thank you guys for inviting me "
" of course "
She said and gave me a hug and we got in and left.
My phone started to ring and I picked up without looking at who it was
" hello "
" where are you "
My mom said through the car I looked at my phone and it somehow connected to the car. I looked at Buck and put my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet
" I'm um just going home after work mom "
" work is that what you call that death trap "
" what's up mom "
" your aunt thinks I need to get help "
" and "
" and that's rude "
" mom it's midnight there why are you up "
" there you go again telling me what to do I'm the mom here not you "
" yeah I know "
" my little girl "
" Mom I'm not little now drink some water and go to bed "
" your brothers wouldn't say that to me "
" I know I know good night mom "
" good night "
Then she hung up and I said
" that's my mom for you not all there and for what she lacks she tries to make up for in alcohol "

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