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Bucks pov
When I walked out I saw her at the punching bag and I smiled because she looked cute. She saw me then made her way to the locker room and we smiled at each other as we went into the separate rooms.
As we walked to my car she said
" So how bad was I today "
" you were perfect "
We turned and now we were out of view from the people inside the house and I put my arm around her
" oh "
She smiled as I opened the back and we put our stuff in. As I was driving I kept looking over at her
" so how was your first day "
" good but I'm so tired "
I smiled
" yeah you'll get used to it oh and coffee "
" I'll take your word for it "
She looked out the window and I managed to keep my eyes on the road until I had to stop at the light and when I looked over she was asleep. It was quiet till I hit a bump and she jumped up and she looked like she saw a ghost
" you ok "
He covered her face with her hands then looked at me
" yeah umm I guess it's not a good idea to sleep with you behind the wheel Jimmy "
" what "
Her face fell a little and she said
" sorry umm that was his name the driver, Jimmy "
She swallowed hard then my phone started to ring and I quickly looked as I brought it to my ear
" what's up to Maddie "
" I heard you got some new recruits today Chim told me "
" of course he did "
I quickly switched it to go through the car
" Yeah he said Ruby made it "
" yeah she did she's in the car "
" oh hey congrats "
" thanks "
" They didn't try to kill you now did they "
" haha "
I said and she smiled
" na but the other guy that's another story "
Maddie laughed a little
" ok bye Maddie "
" bye you two "
I hung up and she smiled at me
" what "
" it's nice to see siblings get along is all "
" do you have any "
I asked as I turn into the parking structure
" I umm don't have a good track record with them "
" oh come on I'm sure they love you "
I got out and she followed and he got our stuff and got on the elevator
" two brothers umm jasper was my twin and he died our freshman year bike jump gone wrong and um Jimmy was the driver just one year older than me so I did but I was stupid and lost them "
I dropped my bag and hugged her and she returned it. I was in a little shock that this beautiful 26-year-old had seen so much in her life
" God I hate telling people stuff because then they look at me like I'm a charity case "
She started to pull away so I let go and the door opened. When we got into the apartment I said
" what was that call about today "
As I walked to the fridge and grabbed us both a beer
" just another thing that would make you feel bad for me "
I just looked at her confused and when she took the beer from my hand she said
" It was my mom she a she was mad I didn't tell her about me becoming a firefighter said I had a death wish blah blah blah said I couldn't do this to her again "
She took a big drink then she looked at me
" she said she saw a picture on Instagram and you're always on your phone "
" I'm sorry "
I said because I didn't want to upset her even more
" let me see "
I quickly got to the post and handed her my phone. She looked at it for a minute then read what I wrote
" to the bravest woman I've ever meet welcome to the 118 "
She looked up with a small smile
" do this with everyone "
" um just you but I can delete it if you want me to "
I reached for my phone but she moved
" no I like it and I mean look at Chimneys face in the background "
She started laughing then showed me and it looked like he just ate a lemon. She gave me my phone then took her bag upstairs and as she was coming down she said
" hey why two point oh for my nickname "
" Because you're better than anyone we've got "
" Yeah because that's totally true "
" you know I don't know what you don't like it "
" I mean I guess it's better then Chimney right "
I laughed thinking about how he got that name.

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