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When we landed back in LA she said
" now I'm home "
She quickly gave me a kiss and we started to get off the plane. When we got in the car I said
" Could we stop by the station "
" sure why not "
When we pulled in she put Ember on a leash we walked in we could smell the food I looked at the time and it was noon. She took Ember off the leash and said couch then pointed upstairs. She took off up the stairs and soon we heard the chairs move and a couple fall. We quietly went upstairs and Ruby did some hand signal and Ember ran towards the group of people and they all jumped back then she was by Ruby's side. They all looked stunned then Eddie said
" of course you have a Dalmatian "
" and her names Ember "
I said we moved closer and they all started to play with her. Over time we kinda made her the station dog but only when Ruby was working and she never went on calls but we did take her to the schools and stuff like that.

Ruby's pov
We decided to wait until I officially became a firefighter to get married. My hands are shaking as I put on my makeup and my bridesmaids run around getting ready as well I have Karen, Athena, and Jess as my bridesmaids and Maddie as my maid of honor. I let them chose there dresses as long as they were a shade of golden yellow or burnt orange.
" God is this really happening "
" it's sure is Hunny "
Athena said as she walked over to the mirror to put in her earring
" you'll do great Ruby "
" god what if I mess up what if I say the wrong thing "
" if you mess up who cares Buck will love you, either way, trust me I've never and I mean never seen him so in love "
" thank you, Maddie "
" come on girls "
The Bobby said as he passed the closed door
" Maddie is it stupid to walk down alone "
She gave me a hug
" no now we have to go "
She pulled away and had a big smile on her face. I waited till I was told to go and as soon as I turned the corner I found it hard to breathe because I was holding back tears.

Bucks pov
I was having a hard time tying my tie
" here kid "
Bobby said and helped me I chose Bobby, Chimney, and Hen as groomsmen I know it's different to have a woman be a groomsman but it's what we wanted to do. And I chose Eddie as my best man
" God I feel like I'm going to be sick, cry and explode all at the same time "
They all laughed and I settled down then it was time. It's a very small wedding so that helps with the nerves I guess. I walked down the aisle and watched as our friends came down. Bobby and Athena, Chimney and Maddie, Hen and Karen, and Jess got stuck with Eddie. When they got up here they got in there right order it felt like time slowed as it was her turn to walk down. As soon as she turned to come down time started again and I could tell she was trying not to cry and my eyes burned and I tried to stop myself from crying. I don't know what the guy was saying till she gave me a look and I snapped out of it
" sorry what "
People quietly laughed
" vows "
She whispered
" Right Ruby from this day forward I promise you that I will laugh with you in times of joy and comfort you in times of sorrow I will hold your hand when you're scared to fall and I'll have an airbag under you when you fly ... I will listen with understanding and speak with encouragement I will never try to cage that wild heart of yours I will love you in sickness and in health and I will give you my heart, my hand and my love from this day forward for as long as we both shall live "
She had a big smile on her face and then it was her turn
" Evan from this day forward I promise you that I will give my all to you I will stand by your side in the light and in front of you when it's dark I will listen to your middle of the night ideas and you middle of the day jokes I will speak with encouragement and listen with understanding I promise to never leave you because my wiled heart has finally found its way home I will love you in sickness and in health and I will give you my heart, my hand and my love from this day forward for as long as we both shall live "
We both said I do and we slipped the rings on.

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