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Bucks pov
When the alarm went off she got up without ant kind of annoyance. She walked out of the bathroom and I saw she had on one of my sweatshirts and she just smiled
" what not me "
It was a plain gray hoodie
" it is "
I quickly gave her a kiss and we got our stuff packed up. When we put our stuff in the little trunk I said
" I can't wait to get my Jeep back "
" me neither "
" well luckily we get to go get it now "

When we got to the station
" ok you ready "
" yes "
She said and we grabbed our stuff and walked in and everyone came down and welcomed her back there were lots of hugs and laughs
" God I missed you "
" what not fun being one of the few women here "
" between me and you, I don't really like the others "
Hen said
" Good thing they don't usually work with us "
" ok go get changed "
She said. When she walked upstairs people clapped and Bobby gave her a hug.
Over the next few months, I fell more and more for her harder then I've ever had before I was looking at rings when Eddie said
" what are you doing "
He said in kinda joking tone
" looking what kind of girl do you think Ruby is a diamond or like a simple "
" I don't know man "
He walked away and the bell went off and we quickly got ready to go
" What time does she work "
" she's um 12 to 12 I think "
" rough "

She had just gotten changed and came upstairs where only a few of us were
" Hey Buck can I talk to you "
" yeah "
We stepped away from the ground a little and she said
" I heard about that call today with the stupid Proposal "
" Yeah that wasn't pretty "
I let out a little laugh
" well what did she say no one will tell me "
" oh she said yes "
I quickly looked back and they were all watching
" what's going on babe "
She took my hands in hers and said
" I've always been searching for a home where I belong I mean I traveled for a year looking for that place and when I came here and we meet in the coffee shop I felt like I knew where I was and over time I realized I finely found a home I've always been looking for a place and forgot it can be a person "
" hold on "
She got down on one knee and I looked back again and I could see they were all about to cry
" I'm the furthest thing from traditional and with this job, we can't wait around for the right time so Evan Buckley will you marry me "
" hell yes "
I pulled her up quickly and kissed her and they started clapping behind us. I pulled away
" I don't have a ring "
" that's the point "
She pulled out a black box and opened it and it was a black band
" it's not mettle "
She whispered and pinched it a little and then slipped it onto my finger. She brushed her thumb across my cheek
" Why are you crying "
" sorry "
She hugged me then we turned back to them and they all had slightly red eyes then the bell rang to ruin it all. They ran down and we were the only two upstairs and Bobby yelled
" let's go love birds "

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