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Ruby's pov
" skateboarding accident dispatch said "
" This will be fun "
I said sarcastically. When we go there there was a group of guys around a table
" God I don't miss skate parks "
I said under my breath as we walked over and no one heard me
" LAFD move aside "
Bobby said and then we saw that the board had broke and a piece went into his leg
" This is all you guys "
Buck said and we let Hen and Chimney do what they needed to. I looked around and Eddie said
" what happened "
" it was bad look "
A guy showed us a video he took
" oh god "
" Two come help me "
I moved from in between Buck and Eddie and Chimney said
" ok on three-move him to the gurney "
" k so are you the lost the lonely or the heartbroken "
" three "
We lifted him off the table and he yelled in pain I was trying to distract him. Hen had to make sure the stretcher didn't move and as they were getting him strapped in he said
" well not so heartbroken now that you're here "
" sorry Romeo you're a little late and a little young "
Hen laughed and they got him loaded up. I walked back over to them and someone yelled
" yo board "
Just then a board flew up and was coming towards us. They jumped back a little and I somehow caught it
" what two brothers "
I quickly looked around for who it belonged to. I gave it back
" Thanks, hot stuff "
I smiled then pretended to rub my eye a little to flip him off then got in the truck. I was next to Buck and he put his hand on mine and I saw the ring
" I did that "
I wasn't thinking when I said that
" yes you did wait Eddie is that why you weren't really helping me pick one "
He shrugged
" you were in on it you were all in on it "
We all laughed a little and I said
" Eddie told me you were looking at rings so I should act soon "
" God I love you "
He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head
" I sure hope so "

When I unlocked the door I dropped my stuff and Buck came over to me
" How was work "
" after you left at 7 I swear the world was against us "
" what happened "
" We had a house fire that jumped to the one next to it by the time we got there and then in the second house I had to go in to get a cat "
My phone started to ring
" and now my moms calling "
I answered and put it on speaker so I could heat up some leftovers
" Ruby "
" yes "
" This is Shannon your moms neighbor "
" Is everything ok "
" yes Hunny sorry your uncle has decided to get her some help so she has to move out and she can't take the dog "
" um ok why are you calling me instead of him "
" he thought you'd try to change his mind "
" ok well thank you, Shannon "
" no problem sweetie "
I hung up and said
" can we have dogs in the apartment "
" I think it's extra "
" ok well looks like I'm going back home "
" we're going "
He pulled out his phone and called Bobby and put it on speaker
" hey so um something happened with Ruby's mom "
" Is she ok "
" yeah she fine cap just moving into a home "
I said
" ok "
" yeah so um we both need to go there for what 4 day "
" that should be enough time "
" it's ok I know how important family is I'll figure it out when we're you guy thinking "
" umm Friday through Monday "
" ok yeah I'll get it handled "
" thank you "
We said at the same time

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