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I woke up just before his alarm went off upstairs. I got dressed as he tried to make something that resembled food but threw it away
" I'm sorry "
" it's ok but how did you burn the bacon so bad "
" it's turkey bacon "
" say no more "
I laughed and he just looked at me
" what "
" nothing "
He looked at the time
" ok so I have to leave umm here put your number in "
I did and he quickly left.

Bucks pov
When I got in my car I said
" you're trying to hard Buck god "
The entire way to the station I couldn't help but think about how she looked laughing in a way I've never heard anyone laugh before.
" hello earth to Buck "
Chim said waving his hand in front of my face
" yeah what "
" have you fallen that fast do we need to check you for whiplash "
" haha funny "
I said and he laughed
" Buck can I be honest "
" yeah "
He sat down at the table across from me
" look I get it you miss Abby still and Ruby's like her in some ways "
" yes Ruby's like her but she's not her "
" I know Buck I'm just saying "
" Chim I know what I'm doing ok "
I got up and just as I was walking down the stairs the beep went off and we left.

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