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When they were on the call I decided to look into what I had to do if I wanted to become a firefighter and decided I'd do it so I got signed up for the things I needed to. I was walking around when I saw people running I stepped outside and stopped a woman
" Hey what's going on "
" someone's going to jump "
We both started to run to the next block and there was a man on top of a building. I quickly looked around and saw a ladder that went to the roof
" well here we go "
I ran over and quickly climbed up. He was standing next to a flag pole and before I spoke I kicked a few rocks so I didn't scare him.
" Hey what's going on "
I could see he was crying
" it won't stop "
He said tapping his head
" what won't stop "
I started to slowly make my way to him
" the killings the explosions "
" what happened "
" I can't get it out "
He screamed
" were you in the army "
He looked at me confused
" navy "
" what's your name sir "
" Captain Josh Wolf "
" well captain Wolf I think we can help one another "
" how "
" see I was in the army and I'm struggling with the images too "
His face changed and he had a small smile
" really "
" yes now if you come down from there we can help each other "
I was close to him so I put my hand out just as he slipped. I grabbed his hand and he started screaming
" Please I don't want to die, please "
" captain "
" CAP"
Finally, he stopped screaming
" look at me we are going to get through this ok take my other hand "
He did so I was now able to pull him back up easier. Just as he was halfway up I heard the sirens and he started to panic
" it's ok don't think about that you're not in trouble ok there just coming to help us ok "
He nodded and a tear escaped his eye
" come on we're almost there "
When I finally got him fully back on the roof he was balling and I saw Buck and Eddie climb onto the roof
" Hey Wolf my friends here are going to get us to the ground the safe way ok "
He nodded and we got up and made our way to the ground
" I'll take him "
He said and walked him to the ambulance
" hey Hen umm I think he's suffering from PTSD and all that fun stuff he said he was in the navy I don't know for how long or how long ago but umm I think they should run some test "
" ok "
She looked at me like she was looking at a ghost. He started yelling
" sir sir you need to calm down "
Hen said as she made her way over to the ambulance because he really hurt his leg
" Hey Mr. Wolf you're in good hands ok I'll see you there I just can't go with "
" what's your name "
" Ruby "
" thank you, Ruby "
" us traumatized have to stick together when we get out right "
He laughed
" yeah "
They closed the doors and they left. I walked over to the curb and sat down. Bobby came over
" you alright kid "
He sat down next to me
" yeah "
" I'm not happy that you did that but you were brave "
" no I wasn't I know what got him up there and I know what got me down "
" Yeah I heard you had a bad thing happen to you overseas "
" Buck told you "
" he just said something happened and didn't get into it ... you were kinda the talk of the call "
I smiled and so did he
" is that a bad thing "
" no "
He patted me on the shoulder and then left me there. I watched as the trucks left and went back to the station.

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