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Bobby's pov
I must have been staring off into space because when Athen walked into the room she said
" everything ok "
" yeah yeah um just thinking about the new recruits "
" are they that bad "
She smiled as she took out her earrings and put them away
" no umm there's a girl Ruby Brooklyn "
She just looked at me so she must understand
" did Buck come up with a stupid nickname "
" no, but I see both my Brook and May in her so um I came up with a nickname for her"
" what "
She smiled as she said down next to me
" two-point oh "
" you gave her a number "
She laughed a little
" honestly I didn't mean to say it "
We both laughed and she said
" well are we still having our get together tomorrow night "
" yes "
" good "

Ruby's pov
The alarm went off
" no "
" yes come on "
I groaned and threw the covers off and got out
" We do have Bobby's cooking to look forward to though right "
He smiled
" you're not to bad yourself "
I threw the pillow at him and went to the bathroom and got ready. I put on a pair of dark green pants and oversized loose-knit lighter green sweater and I put my hair in a braid. I walked out and he quickly squeezed by me
" ok hey do you want a coffee to go "
" I I'm good ... actually umm yeah "
I went down and made a pot of coffee
" sugar "
" yeah "
" the cinnamon "
" Um cabinet over the stove "
He came down just as I put the lid on the cup
" Here ya go "
" thanks "
He took a sip then looked at me
" oh no you don't like it "
" no, it's good what's in it "
" sugar a little milk and a pinch of cinnamon "
" let me guess you worked in a coffee shop "
" sure did "
I moved closer to him then kissed him. I pulled away quickly
" you know I could get used to this "
" oh yeah "
He put his hands on my waist
" yeah "
He moved his hands a little and hit a bruise and I flinched
" oh "
" I'm sorry "
He looked at me like he hurt me
" I hit it on the um the railing in that house I was a little off balance "
He stepped back a little
" We should get going don't want to be late now do we "
We got our stuff and left.

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