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Bucks pov
When I walked in I went to the couch because the stairs were too much of a task and as soon as I hit the uncomfortable pillow I was out. The events of the crash played in my head and I heard her say
" you'll be ok Evan "
And it almost echoed when I woke up. I didn't look at the time and without thinking I called her
" hello "
She picked up on the second ring and her voice was barely there
" oh I'm sorry "
" it's ok it's only 5 in the morning "
I looked at the clock and sure enough, it was
" right I'm sorry I just needed to hear your voice "
She hung up and I was about to get mad then my phone started to ring for a FaceTime and when I accepted it there she was
" and I just needed to see you "
She said and just smiled. We talked till the sun came up and she said
" oh my god it's almost 7:30 don't you have to work "
" umm Bobby told me to take the day off "
" That was nice ... well the nurse is telling me I need to get off the phone to do something so I'll see you later "
" ok I'll see you "
She hung up.

Ruby's pov
When I hung up she said
" so the test shows that you should be ready to go you just maybe a little light-headed"
" ok "
" excuse me miss I need to take a statement from her "
A younger male officer said
" ok "
" miss Brooklyn I just need to know what happened "
" ok umm please have a seat and I'll start from the beginning "
After an hour finally, we finished the report and the officer said
" thank you, miss, and might I say you are one of the bravest people I've met umm you wouldn't be interested in grabbing a drink sometime "
" oh um I'm flattered but I don't think you're allowed to date the person who's the case you get right and I have someone"
" oh the guy you were in the accident in with "
" yes I'm sorry "
" no, it's my bad I should have known you'd have a boyfriend "
" Have a good day "
" you as well miss "
A few minutes later the nurse came back in and took my vitals
" so what do you do I heard your boyfriend is a firefighter some of the other girls told me when I started the shift "
She smiled and I said
" well I'm also a firefighter "
" wow I would never have the guts to do that thank you "
" thank you too I could never do this "
Just as she was doing the last thing Buck came in and she said
" well I see what they were all going on about "
" hey "
He said with a big smile
" ok so I'll go and get the paperwork ready for you "
" ok thank you "

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