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Ruby's pov
We were eating and Maddie started to tap on her glass then stood up
" I'd just like to say I've never seen two people so different complete one another when Buck and I were younger we stupidly decided to put up a tent in the backyard all by ourselves and we were too scared to sleep so as the sun was starting to come up I started thinking out loud and I asked him what his dream girl looked like and he said a free soul full of life someone who adds to my life a lot and makes me try new things now after this he did pass out but still I didn't think about that night till I heard about the proposal and that she asked him that's when I knew he did find his dream girl and as his sister, I've always wanted the best for him and I desperately wanted him to find it bream girl and I believe no I know he finally has "
I quickly whipped away the tear that was running down my cheek and she sat back down then right away Eddie stood up and said
" how do I follow that up right well um when I first met Buck he was at a strange time in his life I'll say I would hear story's about what he did and how he would act as Buck one point oh and over time we became close and I could tell he needed a challenge someone to match him and maybe be a little better than him and well when he came in with you behind him I could tell he met his match because his normal tricks didn't work and we know how the rest goes I've never seen him check his phone more times then when he'd have to work and she had the day off or as little as when she was there like you said I've never seen to people be so perfect for one another "
Finally, we all took a drink and went back to eating and having an amazing night. Our first dance was a blur mostly because it was like ten seconds before people started to join in. I threw the flowers and Maddie caught them and she looked both excited and scared. We were slow dancing to a fast song and I said
" I never thought I'd find home Buck and I don't know what's going to happen but I'm beyond happy that you'll be there every step of the way I'm not alone anymore "
I started to cry and he pulled me even closer and said
" God how did I get so lucky if I hadn't been late and missed breakfast that day and went to the coffee shop to get a muffin we could have missed each other "
" not helping me here "
I said and laughed a little he pushed me away a little and whipped away the tears and said
" I think we would have met one way or another "
Then we kissed.

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