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I called my mom
" hey mom "
" Hey Hunny how is it there is Abby as nice as I remember her "
" that's the thing umm she's not in LA anymore "
" what you're coming home then "
" mom "
" you said a year then you'd come back "
" mom "
" I miss you so much "
" MOM ... sorry I met some of Abby's friend's mom I'm staying "
" no, you're not "
" mom I'm 26 years old you have to let me go at some point "
" I did and look at how you came back to me broken "
" you really think I don't know how I came back you have no idea how hard it was for me mom how people made me feel how you made me feel when you'd mention how dad died when I was overseas the first time "
" Ruby sanintclare "
" no mom I'm staying here "
I hung up the phone and sat on the couch flipping through the channels till he came back.

I could hear the lock turning then the door opened
" hey I'm sorry I didn't think it would take so long "
" it's ok you don't need to explain ... hey can I take a quick shower "
" yeah "
I found the bathroom and got cleaned up. I put on a pair of black jeans and a short-sleeve white shirt. I walked downstairs and he was just getting ready to leave
" have fun at work "
I said in a questioning tone
" umm you wouldn't want to come with would you "
I smiled and so did he. I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and we left.

" Hey Bobby is it ok if Ruby hangs out here for today "
" buck this isn't a daycare "
" Hey I'm not a kid "
I said and he laughed a little
" ok fine "
We went upstairs to where some other people were he walked away so I looked around and saw Hen sitting on a bean bag thing so I went over and sat in the other one
" so how is it working with so many guys that are full of themselves "
She smiled
" interesting "
We both laughed
" so do you like being a firefighter "
" I love it "
" would you a would you recommend it for someone with an army background "
" well I haven't been in any of that but Eddie has why "
" I'm just trying to find where I fit in you know I served and a I really miss the family that came along with it I don't know "
" I mean you can try the academy and see if you like it "
" yeah "
" I like that "
I looked where she was pointing at the tattoo that I have on my inner upper left arm that says ' celebrity every tiny victory ' in messy handwriting
" Thanks, I got it after my first tour it was something that we all said to one another when we had a rough day "
She just looked at me and said
" We could use some of that around here sometimes "
She smiled and got up and just before she walked away she said
" Eddie was a medic by the way "
" thanks "
The bell went off and Bobby yelled for them to get ready.

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