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" she's amazing I mean this morning she showed me how not to burn that stupid turkey bacon "
Eddie stopped his pull up and looked at me
" I got it by accident ok "
" ok well what is she like your personal cook or something now "
" no, but she's a good cook last night she made um fettuccine al burro "
" what "
He looked at me as he moved over to the punching bag
" Alfredo she learned it in Italy "
He just looked at me
" what Eddie "
" Nothing I've just never heard you talk about a girl like this before I mean yeah you've talked about girls but not like this "
" whatever "
I laughed and went upstairs.
The bell went off
" let's go let's go we got a jumper on a high rise "
When we got there we looked up and it was an old man
" what are we going to do cap if we do the maneuver we could really hurt him "
Chim said
" looks like we're getting in our feels today "
He said and then stepped away and walked back with Athena
" Dean West 75 years old the nurse called "
" wait is this "
" a retirement home "
" Eddie Buck get up there "
" on it cap "
I said and we ran in
" what floor "
" I think the 9th "
There were 12 floors. When we got there there was a woman in the hall looking into a room
" oh thank god "
We quickly went in and he was on the outside of the railing of the balcony
" Dean "
Eddie said
" who's there "
" my names Eddie and this is Buck "
He looked at us quickly then back at the ground and we slowly walked over to him
" what got you out there "
" my wife "
" she passed away last week "
The nurse said and I stopped and just looked at Eddie
" I lost my wife too "
" what "
" Yeah I know it's hard do you have any kids "
" yes and a grandson on the way "
" well what kept me going was my kid and you've got a grandkid on the way "
" yes "
He started to cry a little
" don't you want to see him "
He looked at Eddie as he stepped out and put his hand out
" how about we come back over and you get to see that little guy me and you can talk if you want "
He nodded his head and took his hand and climbed back over the others came through and checked him out. When we were getting loaded up
" hey good job Eddie "
He moved a little closer to me and said
" yeah a ya know I um thought about what Ruby did the other day talking the guy off the edge and how she related to him made him feel like there's someone out there that gets it and made it through "
He gave me a quick smile and got in the truck and I followed.

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